I Call Dibs! (Pt. 2)

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Hopefully you enjoy fluff and nervous!dean because there's a whole lot of it in here!


Fluff (Dean x Reader, Sam) 

Reader POV

It'd been about an hour since you sat down in the coffee shop. The barista had just dropped off a second slice of pie, to which you responded with a smile and a satisfied hum. Your gaze returned to the dessert in front of you and you licked your lips greedily.

You hadn't noticed the quiet, almost unrecognisable happy noises escaping your body until someone stood in front of you and cleared their throat.

You looked up to see a man, who seemed to be in his mid 20s, standing in front of you. He wore a red plaid shirt over a black tee, a gray military jacket layering over the two. He was handsome as hell, that's for sure, but something about the way he stood before you made him look adorable, almost like a small child. His foot tapped quietly on the ground, large black boots making small thud-thud noises. He actually seemed nervous.

He gave you a short, awkward smile and waved his hand before scratching the back of his neck. Definitely nervous, you thought. His mouth then opened to speak when you noticed his straight teeth and plump, full lips, and the way his smile immediately pulled you in. You raised an eyebrow, slightly tilting your head, awaiting an explanation for this strange, yet extremely attractive, man's behavior.

"Hey, um, you sure look like you're enjoying your pie," he said, an awkward laugh escaping between his lips while fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. You continued to stare at him, a puzzled look on your face.

You responded with a simple "yeah, it's not so bad." He continued to stand there, but now he was the one with a questioning look on his face. It seemed almost like he was waiting for you to say something. Should I say something? What does he want?

"Uh, do you wanna sit down?" You gestured at the seat in front of you, offering him the chair. He gladly accepted, that nervous smile appearing once again. While taking a step toward the chair, he slightly trips over his feet. The man glances sideways at you, a quick smile forming on his face. His cheeks turn pink. He is kinda cute when he blushes like that, you think to yourself. He takes a seat and shoves his hands in his lap, clears his throat, then opens his mouth to speak.

"My name's Dean." Dean. Attractive name for an attractive guy.

"That," he gestures to the tall, lengthy man in the corner of the cafe, "is my brother Sam." You blink at Dean, waiting for whatever else he has to say, but he doesn't.

After an awkward moment of silence, you speak up. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dean. My name's (y/n)." He flashes you a grin, the corners of his mouth drawn up and wrinkles forming near the outside corners of his eyes. Despite the dim light in the cafe, the green emeralds shine brightly. You can't help but smile.

Dean quickly runs his hand through his hair and once again laughs nervously. His eyes land on the pie before the two of you, and a thought comes to your mind. "Well, since you made the effort to come talk to me, why don't you stay a bit? How about we get some more pie? Pie makes everything easier." You signal the waitress and two new pieces of the delicious dessert are brought to the table.

You pick up the fork and shovel a piece, a bit haphazardly and completely gracelessly, into your mouth. He watches you, eyes lit up, a beaming smile forming upon his face and happily says "You had me at pie."

Supernatural (Character x Reader) CollectionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin