A Sweet Surprise

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Fluff (Dean x Reader)

Dean had been on this hunt for three days now. You were starting to get anxious... really anxious. All of the "what if"s suddenly started flooding your mind and you were beginning to panic. You tried his cell phone for the ninth time that day, and it went straight to voicemail. His phone is probably dead is all, you thought, and tried to make yourself busy by cleaning everything in sight at the bunker.

After about three hours of sweat and elbow grease to get the inside of the bunker fridge clean, your phone buzzed. You dropped everything in an instant and ran to the counter at the back corner of the kitchen where you left it and unlocked it with super speed. Your hope instantly died out when you realized it was simply a weather report, so you returned the phone to its spot and trudged back towards the fridge.

Just as you were about to pick up the soapy sponge, you felt a hand grab your wrist. You moved with incredible speed in an attempt to twist your wrist free of the invader, but couldn't. Their grip was too strong. They grabbed you by the shoulders and turned you around and just as you were about to bring your knee up for instant contact, you felt his lips on yours.


He loosed his hands from your shoulders and slid them down your arms, one hand resting on your hip and the other tangling its fingers in yours.

"Dean," you breathed between kisses, "what happened? I was so worried-" He cut you off by covering your mouth with his, pulling you impossibly closer and squeezing your hand harder. All thoughts in your mind disintegrated as the two of you moved together in a mix of passion and lust. He rested his forehead against yours as you tried to catch your breath.

"Oh sweetheart," Dean whispered, "I had never found a place where I felt like I belonged, until you took me in your arms... and leaving for the smallest bit of time was so hard. I couldn't be away from you any longer." He quickly pecked your forehead and promised, "I'll never let anything touch you."

And it was then that you knew Dean Winchester loved you more than life itself.

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