I Call Dibs!

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Fluff (Dean x Reader, Sam)

Dean pushed the door to the small cafe open and took a step inside, Sam following soon behind. The atmosphere was gentle; it was quiet, calm and relaxing. The two made their way towards a booth in the back and took a seat opposite each other.

"Yeah, this place doesn't look so bad. Good choice, Sammy," Dean said as he pulled his arms from the sleeves of his jacket and set it on the seat next to him, revealing a red plaid shirt over a black tee. Sam mimicked the behavior, undoing the zipper on his own coat and setting it beside him as well. He pushed his long chestnut brown hair behind his left ear and smiled as a petite waitress walked towards them.

She kindly greeted them with a sincere smile and wrote down their orders, then looked Sam up and down with a sly grin before heading back behind the counter towards the back of the cafe.

"Dude, she was totally checking you out just now," Dean smirked and wiggled his eyebrows towards his younger brother. Sam just rolled his eyes and fidgeted with the buttons on his black button-up as he waited for his coffee.

The waitress soon returned with two drinks, and asked if they needed anything else. Dean was about to reply when he heard a quiet, suppressed giggle coming from across the cafe. He glanced past the waitress and saw a girl sitting alone at a two-person table reading a book and eating a piece of pie.

Sam gave Dean a side-glance of concern, noticing his sudden loss of focus on the waitress, and responded with a "N-no, that's okay, thanks" and a short smile as she returned to behind the counter.

"Dean, what're you..." Sam questioned with a quizzical look, then turned his head to follow Dean's path of sight.

The girl was looking down at her book, a smile on her face as her long blonde locks fell over her shoulder and onto the edge of the pages while she read. The corners of her mouth suddenly turned up into an even bigger grin and she giggled yet again. The tiny noise escaped her mouth and wrinkles formed around her eyes as she continued to laugh at the novel in her hand. She then grabbed the fork resting on her plate and shoveled a mouthful of delicious apple pie between her pink lips. The boys watched her chew and swallow, taking her time to taste every bit while also digesting the words in front of her, the happy expression never leaving her face.

Dean then blurted out three words, which again brought out an eye-roll and a smile from Sam; "I call dibs!"

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