Chapter Seven

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"OK so first things first y'all need money, and lucky for you guys I've decided to get you credit cards with unlimited money, so you'll never be broke again," I say as all their faces light up as I give them their credit cards.

"First stop:,phone store cause y'all phones," I say while walking cross the street to the phone store.

"Leigh what's a phone?" Jesy says in her British accent which I now come to realize.

"Oh I forgot, a phone a portable electronic device that you can use to communicate with others," I say before walking into the phone store. They all went to different types of phones while I just went to the Hiro jr the son of Hiro Hamada(Big Hero 6).

"Hey Hj, did my new phone come in," I ask Hj, pulling my credit card out.

"Hey LA, how's it going and yes have it right here, finished making it this morning," He says while giving me the phone box.

"Thanks, it's going good, just touring the new kids and then I have to go get my new schedule when we get back to the school," I say while putting my card in the part where the chip goes and putting in my pin.

"Uh oh, whatcha do now?" Hj says with a playful smirk.

"May or may have not threaten Audrey that I was going to punch her in her mouth in front of the FGM," I say while playfully tilting my head from side to side.

"Let me guess bestfriend(Perrie) got in trouble to for telling her off?" Hj says while handing me my receipt.

"Maybe, maybe not," I say before we bust out laughing.

"Leigh look at this case, it's even better than my house of cards," Jesy says running up to us.

"Wow that's case is dope it suits you ready to buy it," I say while taking her case to look at it more and then handing it back.

"Yea and everyone else is too," Jesy says while everyone else comes up to us.

"That's what I'm talking about y'all got the expensive and latest phones," I say while going to the side to open up my phone box. (Picture above on the right)Jesy and Mal got the Samsung Galaxy s7 edge(gold phone above). Carlos and Jay got the IPhone 8. Evie got the IPhone 7, I got the White Sony Xperia Z5(white phone above). Jade got the Samsung Galaxy s8. (Picture above on the left)They also got some cases: Carlos got red cause that one of his favorite colors(first in the top row). Evie got the blue rose embroidered Chanel wallet-like one (second in the top row). Mal got a dark purple swirls and butterflies embroidered wallet-like one similar to Evie's Chanel case, Evie pick it out(last one in the top row). I got the lime green case(first one on the bottom row). Evie also got the blue, gray, and white rock and Jewel encrusted one she couldn't decide which one to get so she got both(second one on the bottom row). Jay got the brown wallet-like one cause brown is one of his favorite colors(third one on the bottom row). Jade got the dark blue case with purple and light blue butterflies, self-explanatory(last one on the bottom row).

"So what was you and him laughing about?" Jay asks while slightly glaring at Hj.

"Oh nothing, just telling him how Perrie and I got in trouble by the FGM," I say while activating my new phone.

"Yea well that's nice but I do believe we're on a schedule here so goodbye," Jay says while putting an arm around my shoulders and dragging me out.

Jealous... or nah

"So next stop is: Clothes, OK so there's Forever 21, Victoria's Secret, Calvin Klein, Nike, Adidas, Jordans, Pacsun,Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Saks Jandel, Escada, A'Marees, Morris & Sons, Armani and etc. " I say while  walking down the street.

"Princess, what is Adidas, Jordans, and Nike?" Jay ask me with his arm still around my shoulders.

"How bout you go find out and take Carlos with you," I say while taking his tan and muscular arm off me. When I took his arm off I've noticed that he had sad face on for split second before it changed to a curious look while him and Carlos go to those stores.

"Alright girls, I know that y'all don't anything about these stores so I'll lead the way," I say while walking into Victoria's Secret.

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