Chapter 22

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Me and Liam had just finished calling our parents to say the least they were really excited to hear everything  my mum crude a lot she kept reinstating that I used to be a small town girl and now I'm getting married to my Iidol she asked me how he...

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Me and Liam had just finished calling our parents to say the least they were really excited to hear everything  my mum crude a lot she kept reinstating that I used to be a small town girl and now I'm getting married to my Iidol she asked me how he had been treating me and all that I could get her concern I had just told her about him not too long ago but come on he wasn't some kind of monster finally she had let me off the phone and I had went to see Liam he had already finished talking to his parents intact he had finished about an hour and a half ago well finally we could be alone Liam astarted talking to me but then he pulled me really close to him and kissed me soon that escalated quickly he had flliped me over so I was under him and he was lieing on top of me  he slowly slid his hand up my shirt and thin we some one start coughing we looked over to see 4 rather giggly boys looking at is umm we were just going to tell you that diner was ready but I guess you guys are busy zayn giggled yeah we umm we'll leave you to it Harry they all started to walk away but then we heard a thud and Niall and Louis start laughing we got up after adjusting ourselves to see what had happened aperntly Louis and Niall couldn't hold in Thier laughter anymore and they just fell to the ground laughing well I didn't know that we were so amusing I said sarcastically that just made this laugh even more so me and Liam just steeped over thinking wondering why we knew them and went into the kitchen sure enough the boys wernt lieing about dinner it was done well done everything was burn so bad that I crumbled when you touched it Liam got a stick and poked it is it alive he asked now it was my turn to start laughing then Louis walked in hey my cooking isn't that bad he pouted OK then sass masta from Doncaster try it Liam said handing him a fork full of what is thought to be chicken (poor Chicken I thought) OK well many I could use some lessons Louis admitted he did not want to eat whatever was on the fork I'll just cook tonight Harry said walking in I liked the IDEA I loved Harry's cooking it was delicious and everyone knew it so Harry made some pasta with chicken and green peppers it was amazayn (what I may be dateing one of them but I started as a fangirl so once a fangirl always a fangirl) so then after that me and Liam went back to his bunk tomorrow was. The last break day before the consert so we were getting married Tomorrow the other boys had already had Thier weddings ours was going to be on a beach with very few people our families would be there via Skype or in person it was going to be wonderful so we soon fell asleep with our planing book. The next day I woke up to Carly and elanor shakeing me heynget up 10 hours till wedding OK OK I'll get I'll get up I rolled over to kiss Liam awake but he wasn't there umm guys WHERE THE HELL IS MU FIANCE! !  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I had screamedat them they looked at me OK calm down the boys came and got him to get him redy and we have to get you ready so come on lazy sleepy butt

(9 hours later)

OK I'm really nervous do I look OK I think my up do is falling out on no what of he hates the dress wait the cake where's the cake I frantically screamed OK Kate I know it's a big day but take a deep breath your fine you look fine Liam loves you and the boys got the cake about 2 hours ago remembered they texed while you were getting you nails done ohh yeah I signed with realife.

(1 hour later)

This was it my daddy was finally walking me down the isal to see my dream boy the boy I had married in my dreams so many times befour wishing it was real we now it was I could feel my hand leave my dad's and Liam grab mine I still felt electric jolts in my skin something I'll never get tierd of feeling the walk up here felt long but the service felt short it felt as if I had been up there only 2 minutes when I heard the preacher say that. Liam may now kiss me I was soon exsited Liam and I attacked each other's lips it was now official we were together forever tomorrow on tour we would anounce it to the world that kiam was real and that we were married I didn't care about the hate we might get all I care about is that I'm loved by the man of been dreaming of since I first saw him on my tv!

OK next chapter will be an epilogue then that's it storeis over how did you guys like it and should I write more often thanks for the love and support as always I love you guys byeeeeeeee (btw zayns new hair style/look in pic above ) also I think my next storie will be an update book anyone something important happens I'll post it there sound good let me know for real now byeeeeeeee

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