Chapter 14

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NEGITIVE!! The test read NEGITIVE I'm not pregnant I was happy and sad at the same time. I was happy because I'm really not ready to be a mom and why I was sad i don't really know why I was sad but I sat on the floor crying with Liam's arms wrapped tightly around me and at some point we had started rocking back and fourth I soon felt something rise in my thought I ripped out of Liam's grip and flung myself over the toilet I started violently pukeing I now wish I hadn't eaten dinner when I had finally finished I basically fell backwards into Liam's grip because I was so weak Liam Agen wrapped his arms around me and started rocking me Agen li... I trailed off yeah hun he whispered I'm really tierd I said I known hun hold on soon I was being lifted up he had me bridal style he carried me out of the bathroom and to the living room hey everyone me and Katie at gonna go to bed early he said soon I saw everyone now gathered around me I heard them all screaming what happened? Is she OK? Liam awnser us!! All the screaming was hurting my head so I burried it into Liam chest he seemed to get the point EVERYONE please stop screaming Katie just got sick and she can barely stand she also has a high fever so I'm gonna put her to bed and try to get her better ohhhhn they all signed OK feel better I heard everyone whisper yell I just smiled at this how some of them barly know me but care so much I felt myself being set down on. Something soft Liam's bunk he went and got some medicine for me and a wet washcloth for my head he snuggled in next to me I turned over to face Liam I was half asleep but managed to form words Liam yes babby he said hold me I asked like a child that just had a nightmare yes babe I will he said then I some how managed one other thing Liam never let got don't worry babe I'm not going anywhere he said and with that I drifted off to sleep 

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