Chapter 17

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I awoke to awwing sounds what the heck I opened my eyes to find Liam still holding me close to him unsurprisingly w were both still naked so I wondered who was making that sound as I looked over i saw all the boys starring at us I screamed and pulled the whole blanked over to  cover myself leaving Liam naked and asleep Carly ! Kendle! Elanor ! Gigi I screamed now that woke Liam up he sat straight up then realizing he wasn't covered sat stright up and hit his head on the top of the bunk after that he got up and ran down the hall completely naked screaming Jamie's Jamie's must find some Jamie's cuz I'm nakeiiii jeez you would think that boy was drunk the girls came running in and befour I got to say anything they had figured out what had happened and started slapping their boyfriends you never ever watch someone sleep unless it is your family or girlfriend got it Gigi said while pokeing zayn in the chest yes mother he mumbled good now look what you did to her she is so red geez then Louis had to make the stupidest comment hey look at all the blood did you just lose you vriginity or something elanor slapped him hard this time me flushing brighter LOUIS!!! You can't just ask some one that OK geez hey Louis you really wanna know why there's so much blood he nodded egerly and came closer the girls alredy knew what I was gonna do anyway Louis leaned in really close and. I screamed because I'm on my fucking period you stupid ass I yelled he jumped back in surprise but then quickly started ewwing Liam finally came back and wasmdressed and I'm still waiting there using the blanket so babby hownare the cramps actually they are better I admeted see I do my research now come on we have an interview in half an hour then a show five hours latter but those five hours will be filled with rehursals wardrobe and meeting fans so get your water bottle and everything ready so I got my purse and put in everything that I needed oh and also babe I made peanut butter chocolate fudge blueberrie pancakes for you there on the counter my mouth practically watered at the thought so I ran to the kitchen hand scared them down after that we got in the car to head to interviews yay!

 I screamed because I'm on my fucking period you stupid ass I yelled he jumped back in surprise but then quickly started ewwing Liam finally came back and wasmdressed and I'm still waiting there using the blanket so babby hownare the cramps actual...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Yeah it's Niall get over over it plz it's for my friend birthdayhores she loves Niall you guys can screan shot any pics I put in so that you can have them!

My man (Liam Payne )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن