Chapter 12*

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Liam hovered over me I now knew what he wanted to be honest i wanted it too but I was scared you see I'm still a virgin no boy has or will ever love me well except for Liam Louis Niall zayn and Harry I wanted to do his for Liam but I was just scar...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Liam hovered over me I now knew what he wanted to be honest i wanted it too but I was scared you see I'm still a virgin no boy has or will ever love me well except for Liam Louis Niall zayn and Harry I wanted to do his for Liam but I was just scared I mean who wouldn't be but this is leagl and I love him I looked at the boy hovering over me wait Liam I'm scared  I said as tears started to form in my eyes he looked at me agen I know babby and if you don't want to do this then we won't OK just tell me it won't hurt me in any way I looked at him and shook my head no I want to do this for you and for us he nodded slightly to show me he heard OK we will start off slow then and work our way up he informed me he got back into the possion he was formally in and started kissing me Agen slowly and pàssinetly I felt his toung run over my bottom lip I guessed this isn't he was asking for intrence I opted my mouth and let his toung exsplore my mouth I know what your thinking I thought you were a virgin how do you know you were supposed o do that all let's just say I might have stole some romance novels from my mom back to the story Liam started to strip down and I watched him how his back muscles flexed I still layer there dressed not knowing what to do Liam looked at me and started laughing umm love if you wanna do this then you can't do it like that I looked at him and blushed hard and started to umdress myself Liam leaned back over me ohh no love I can do it he said as he started to umdress me I shivered under his touch I still couldn't believe this was going to happen we were both lyeing there naked Liam still kissing me when he suddenly pulled back crap I forgot hold on he climbed over me out of the bunk and came back with a foil packet a condom I'm guessing he tore open the packet and rolled it down his length then climbed back on top of me he looked into my eyes and whispered are you sure I was still really scared but slowly closed mY eyes and nodded he looked back to me and nodded his head also he looked to me and said I'm gonna tell you this right now at first it's gonna hurt like hell but it will get better and if it doesn't tell me and I will stop OK I looked at him and nodded slowly he pushed himself info my heated core he was right it hurt like hell I tryed to fightback the tears but I couldn't because I felt something wet and cold run down my cheek Liam must of saw because he whispered all the tears away and asked do you want to stop babby I nodded my head no we stayed like this for a while before I told him it was OK to move he nodded and started to slowly thrust in and out soon I could feel all the pain go away and complet pleasure and lust took over me I was moaning his name over and over thrusting my core up to meet him I don't know how I knew how to do this it's like I wasn't even me Liam started thrusting harder and faster I soon felt something I never felt before I looked at Liam he was broke out into a sweat Liam I think I'm gonna...... I know babby let it go OK I just nodded not knowing what he meant soon I felt something in me realise and spill out while I screamed his name Liam came soon after screaming my name and filling the condom he then followed besides me taking the condom off and throwing it in a wast him beside the bunk he latter pulled the blanket over our both naked boddies and cuddled into wasn't that OK he asked no it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be I replied OK then get some sleep then you'll need it he said about 15 muinets latter I felt someone shake me awake it was Liam I tryed to sit up but couldn't because of the pain in my lower region owww!!!!! I exslamed I know love it will hurt to a while he explained here take these he handed me two red pills yay Tylenol thank Liam I said no problem butnthe boys and Carly will be back in about 30 minutes so your gonna haven to get dresses I tried getting out off the bunk but fell right over Liam can you help me I asked shyly while blushing yeah love no need to be imbaresed I get it here just sit on the bed I'll go get you a new outfit and we will just tell the boys I spilt water on you OK OK I nodded I got up and say on the bunk you could see the blood stain on the sheets stating that I had lost my virginity wow he's gonna have to wash the sheets Liamsoon came back with a floral dress and a matching pair of green and blue bra and panties I was really embarrassed now Liam had to get me underwear and a bra and help me get dressed after we were both dressed we went o the kitchen to start cooking dinner dinnermwas spaghetti and home made meatballs one of Louis' favorite dishes we had to make extra though because Louis and zayn were bringing there girlfriends elanor and Gigi then Niall had Carly and Liam had me poor harry had nobody or so I thought Liam latter informed me that he had a girl friend named Kim oh yeah he does have a girl friend how could I forget this sometimes I'm soo stupid well soon dinner was done and the boys would be home any miunet so me and Liam went into the living room and turned on Netflix to find something to watch oooooooooo switched at birth please Liam can we watch it please it's my favorite I pleaded he just looked at me wait you watch switched at birth too he asked yeah it's my favorite if you haven't noticed that's awesome it's mine too said Liam so we started watching switched at birth untill the boys and their girlfriends get home about 5 episodes latter they walked into the door with Niall and Carly running straight for the table yup they we're definitely made for each other we all sat down at the table and began to eat I meet all the other girls and we all started our own conversations but I kept getting winks from all the boys I I don't know why it's getting a little weird so I asked Gigi who I was siting next to why do the boys keep winking at me Gigi looked at me love they know what you and Liam did I looked shocked HOW!!!??? Hun we all know you forgot o fix you hair she explained ohh was all I could say like I said sometimes I can be so stupid I think Gigi could tell how bad I felt because she yelled at the boys then leaned over and said don't worry wev all done it it's nothing to be too embarrassed about you wanna know how the boys found out about memand zayn he thought we were home alone but then the boys came back before respected and walked in on us the worse part we didn't know they were there and so they stayed and watched the whole time right then I was mortified but now we all joke about it don't work hun the emnaessment will pass and soon I will all be a joke i just nodded and slowly finished my food quietly gigi leaned over and started jokeing with me I was laughing so hard I just love her already after dinner we all went into the living room to watch more switched at birth about 2 seasons latter we all headed to bed and this time it felt right snuggiling my head into Liam's chest 

OK guys my first time at smut what do you think? Also longest chapter of ever wrote it's 1452 words OK I love you all thanks for reading and stay beautiful

My man (Liam Payne )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ