"Say my name again." He whispers and pulls away from my neck, his hand still on my breast as he massages it. "Call me Harry again,"

"Harry," I repeat, opening my eyes to find him staring right back at me. 

I feel him shift beneath me and this causes his length to brush close to my entrance. It's like I'm pulled back to reality. 

Quickly I jump off him, grabbing a towel I get out of the tub and wrap it around myself. "I'm sorry Mr Styles, but I can't do this. Regardless of what we both think, I don't know you and you don't know me. I work for you!" 

As I go to turn around I feel his hand grip my waist and turn me around, "I want to get to know you,"

"By fucking me?" 

"I never said that,"

I don't look at him. Instead, I close my eyes. "We're both naked Mr Styles."

"Because you were freezing and stupid enough to sleep outside in the cold."

"Excuse me?" This time I open my eyes and glance right into him, my hands holding the towel around me. "I was outside because you were too busy fu-"

Before I get to finish my sentence, Mr Styles lips are on mine and his arm wraps around my body pulling me flush against him. But I quickly push him away, disconnecting his lips from mine.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I take a step backwards, distancing myself from him. "Kissing me isn't going to fix what you've done, and what you said."


"I'm just a useless maid," I quote. "Well guess what, you're now one useless maid-less. Because I fucking quit, I mean it this time." Turning on my heels, I head straight for the door.

"Wait, I'm sorry,"

"Sorry doesn't fix the problem, sorry doesn't make everything alright." I stop just inches from the door. "Maybe if you treated me better, I'd want to sit down and talk about that night. But no, you'd rather fuck other girls."


"Save it for someone who cares," 



Two Days Later ...

Being away from someone you think you completely hate should make you forget about them. Well, it's wrong, I was wrong. There hasn't been a single minute I haven't thought about Mr Harry Styles. 

Could I have handled the situation better? Probably. But it happened and I can't change that. 

So, I'm currently sitting on Billy's bed in her room.

"You know babe, you could always move in with me," She says, pulling her PJ top over her head. "I mean, your parents already think you live here."

"I guess, but they probably know I work for Harry."

"Worked," She reminds me. "Forget about that stupid magazine, you're not his fling-" 

Ah yes, the daily news. Someone managed to take a picture of me, and well, the magazine says I'm Mr Styles 'latest fling'

"-You never slept with him, so forget bout it." Her doorbell suddenly rings, "One second." Billy walks out the room as the bell rings repeatedly. "I'm coming! Stop fucking pressing my bell! geez!" 

I chuckle at her. 

Flipping through the magazine in my hands, I can't help but think about him. The way my body reacted to his touch, how-

"Joe Hemmings!"

My hands slam the magazine shut and eyes shoot up towards to voice, "Luke? What are-"

"So you piss off and don't tell us anything, then I find out you were fucking Harry Styles and living with him!" His voice is heavy and pierces through the air. Luke walks towards me with his arms crossed, his lips are shut and in a straight line, eyes narrowed at me. 

I'm so dead.

And then, well, he laughs. 

I raise my brows at him. "What?"

"Never thought my little sister would turn into another one of Harry Styles slut," He laughs, now standing before me. Reaching his hand out, he rubs the top of my hair. "Way to go, sis." 

"She's not his slut," My best friend offence me, standing behind Luke. "You don't know what happened-"

"Something happened?" This time Luke raises his brows. When neither Billy or I answer, I feel the bed dip and then Luke's hand on my knee. "Joe? What happened?" 

And so, I explained everything to him. From Mr Styles saving me in the pool and my panic attack, then to almost sleeping with him.

"I don't get it, it's like Mr Styles is-"

"He's a man sis," Luke wraps his arms around me and pulls me against his chest. I respond and hug him back. "Sometimes guys get confused with emotions and do pretty fucked up things."

"Yeah, you're telling me," Billy says as I look over Luke's shoulder to see her rolling her eyes. 

"So you're defending Harry? After what he did-"

"Joe, it was your choice to sleep outside," He points out and pulls away from me. "It was your choice to quit, and as for the tattoos-"

"How do you-"

Luke laughs, "I know everything," I hear Billy snicker behind him. "Plus, I heard you talking to Billy on the phone. Don't worry, I won't tell mum and dad." He quickly says, "But I am going to have a little chat with Mr Styles, though."


"He tried to force himself on you! and he fucking tattooed you!"

Standing to my feet, my eyes scan his face. "We don't know if it was him! Sure I have the same butterfly tattoo-"

"His name is fucking on you!"

"H and S could mean anything!" I yell at him.

Luke smirks, "Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Horse shit?" Billy mumbles just under her breath.

I look at Luke who looks at Billy, we both burst into laughter.

"What?" Billy puts her hand on her hips. "It could mean that!"

"Yeah, like I'd get Horse Shit tattooed on me." I approach her and playfully slap her head. "Got any more bright ideas-"

"We've got to ruin him," Luke's statement causes both Billy and me to stare at him. "He did this to my little sister, he messed with my family-" Standing to his feet, Luke balls his hands into fists.

 "-And no one messes with my family."

"I agree," Billy stands beside Luke. "You in?"

Both look at me. 

Fuck, what am I gonna do? 

"How'd do we ruin a multi-billionaire who owns pretty much all of London?" I find myself questioning. 

"Not we, you." Luke places his hand on my shoulder. "We'll come up with a plan, and it's up to you-"

"I'm in."



A/N: Okay, so now Harry has Luke and Billy after him.

Do you think their plan will fail?

What would Harry do, if Luke turns up at his door? 

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