Chapter 5 - Part 2

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I felt groggy when I opened my eyes. I was lying on a small bed covered with a large gray blanket. A small lamp beside the bed was lit and I looked around the bare room trying to figure out where I was. My heart sped up as fear and panic set in. In the fog of my mind I tried to remember what had happened.

When the last memories I had came flooding back, I sat up and pushed the blanket off me. My arm ached and I held it to my chest. It had been cleaned and bandaged. I swung my legs to the side of the bed and as I looked down I saw I was dressed in new clothes.

For a moment I panicked, thinking they had gone through my bag, but then I realized the clothes weren't mine. They were a size too big, and black. They had obviously cleaned me up once they had seen to my wound.

Where the hell was I? I remembered Flynn, the dark stranger who had helped me. He was going to get someone to see to my arm and then he was going to take me home. But then I had passed out.

I stood up quietly and walked to the door. It was closed. Feeling frightened, I opened the door softly and peered into the passage. It was empty. I had to get out of here as quickly as possible. I thought of Flynn and what he was able to do. I knew what he was and I had to get away before he discovered my true identity. My life depended on it.

The stories I had been told had ensured I knew how dangerous my existence was. Thankfully, the wolfsbane hadn't worn off, so to them I was still human but it wouldn't last. I needed my backpack. That thought made me hesitate before I stepped backward.

There was a small closet and I walked over to it. When I opened it and found my backpack at the bottom of it, I felt relief. I retrieved it before closing the closet door as quietly as I could.

Now that I had what I needed, the next thing I needed to do was to get out of here as quickly as I could. Slinging the backpack over my shoulder, I made my way out of the room.

I walked down the hallway slowly, taking in my surroundings. It was quiet, a silence that chilled me right down to my bones. I kept reminding myself they had no idea I wasn't anything more than a human girl who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time and who had been attacked by a vicious rogue.

Most of the half dozen doors I passed were closed. The ones that were open were rooms like the one I had just left. The hallway opened up and I found myself at the top of a set of stairs. I was in a massive house. As I looked down the stairs I could see a massive foyer that led to a set of double doors. My way out.

I took a deep breath and let it out before I started to descend the stairs as quietly as I could. My hope that I would be able to escape without anyone seeing me was dashed when I got the bottom of the stairs and I heard a voice say, "And where do you think you're going?"

Stunned, I stopped, feeling my heart hammer in my chest as adrenaline pumped into my veins. I turned to the owner of the voice and found myself staring at a man I had never met before.

If Flynn was intimidating, this guy scared me to death. His dark eyes studied me. Could he tell I was hiding something?

"I..." I started to say.

"Flynn brought you in," he said, taking a step closer to me. His cold eyes swept over me and it took everything in me to remain where I was. "You were badly injured and you needed to rest."

There was no emotion in his voice despite his words. There was a coldness and lack of emotion that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He was as tall as Flynn with dark brown hair with gray flecks on the sides cut short and neat. His dark brown eyes had no warmth as they held mine.

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