Chapter 3 - Part 2

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Peering out through the opening in the curtain, I saw nothing out of the ordinary. The sun was just starting to rise behind the mountain. An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach that I couldn't stop. Another scan of the surrounding scenery told me there was nothing to worry about.

Despite not being able to spot any dangers, I knew I had to get my stuff together and leave before there was a chance I was discovered. If I were found now, everything I had done to keep my secret would be for nothing.

Stepping back from the window I went back into my room to finish packing a couple of clothes into my backpack. Inside my small cabinet in the bathroom were the precious vials of wolfsbane. I carefully packed them along with some syringes I had stolen. I only had a few days' supply left. After that I would have no way of hiding my scent. I would have to be long gone by then.

I would be leaving soon. I hated the fact I never got to stay in one place for long. I couldn't stop myself from taking a moment to wonder what it would be like to be a normal werewolf. My thoughts turned to Kyle and I gave in to my longing thoughts of what it would feel like to let my hand reach out to his. Our touch would pull our destinies into one.

I had been told what it felt like to touch your mate for the first time. One girl had used the word magical to describe it. But no matter how badly I wanted it, that could never happen. That wasn't a choice for me. I got my backpack and hitched it over one shoulder while I did one last scan of the cottage to make sure I hadn't left anything behind.

For a few seconds I lingered before I found that determination that had kept me going for so long and I left the house, closing the front door behind me.

I surveyed the forest one last time before I left the safety of the cottage to my unknown destination. The sunlight didn't ease my fear of the dangers I could encounter.

The slight heat in the back of my neck made me stiffen. I strained my ears but I didn't hear anything. I had learned to trust the warmth that throbbed at the back of my neck, even if it was faint. There was a werewolf nearby.

I stopped behind a tree, pushing my back up tight against the trunk to keep myself hidden. It wasn't much of a hiding place but it would have to do. I strained to hear the faint sounds of a couple of wolves running nearby. It was probably a couple of scouts patrolling the territory, I told myself, trying to ease the fear that made me hesitate. Even though I was in no immediate danger, my heart hammered loudly in my chest, echoing in my ears.

I waited until the throbbing at the back of my neck eased. My cool fingers soothed over the raised skin. It was a constant reminder of why I could never allow Kyle to find me. Feeling like I had been on an emotional roller coaster, I let out a heavy sigh and slumped against the tree. It took me a couple of minutes to pull myself together.

Trying to keep a calm head, I moved forward, stopping every few minutes to ensure there were no foreign sounds that signaled danger. I headed to the border not sure what I would encounter. Avoiding the scouts was possible because of the sensitivity of my sixth sense that heated a circle at the back of my neck. I was more worried about the threat to the rogues. Being unable to shift put me at a disadvantage and my increased strength, which made me stronger than female werewolves who hadn't mated yet, was weakened by the wolfsbane I was taking. 

Every time I heard a noise over my thumping heart I would still and strain my ears to determine if it was a threat to me, hiding behind a tree until I could determine if it was something I needed to fear. The forest seemed inviting and the noise of harmless animals inhabiting the surroundings echoed in the cool damp air.

I was about to take a step when I felt the telltale heat that alerted me to the fact I had werewolf company. Hiding behind the tree, I listened for any clue to where they were. The heat throbbed with warning. The werewolf was closer. I had no idea how many there were.

It could be the scouts or it could be a rogue, I reasoned with myself.

My fear increased when I couldn't pinpoint the location of the werewolf. I tried to quiet my breath. If I couldn't tell where the werewolf was, I was in a dangerous situation. How could I avoid a threat I couldn't see?

Adrenaline pumped in my veins when I heard the slight sound of a footstep. My eyes swung in the direction of the sound but the there was nothing other than a thick forest. No movement. I held my breath.

My instinct screamed for me to run. I was being hunted.

Fear held me in my place. I only had one chance to get out and I couldn't screw it up. Without moving my head, my eyes went to the opposite direction and I tried to figure which way was the best way out. I couldn't outrun a werewolf but I couldn't just wait for them to attack, either.

One, two, three, I counted down in my head. I pushed away from the tree and ran as fast as I could. Hearing the noise behind me propelled me forward but a heavy weight launched against my back and I fell forward. The breath was knocked from me as the heavy weight impacted with my body when I landed on the ground.

Winded and unable to move, I began to panic. The heavy weight moved off me and I was able to draw in a breath. My backpack had fallen beside me. Groaning, I pushed up onto my knees and looked up to face my attacker.

It was a huge male werewolf. His amber eyes fixed on me as he stood a few feet away. I didn't recognize him but that didn't mean he wasn't a scout.

I got to my feet and raised my hands in surrender. My heart was beating so fast it was hard to catch my breath. He took a few menacing steps closer and growled at me. That wasn't a good sign.

"Please don't hurt me," I whispered.

The werewolf growled louder.

Well, that didn't work, I thought. A scout wouldn't have been openly hostile toward a human. He had to be a rogue. Could he be the murderer? The reason why werewolves on the territory were being evacuated to the main compound?

The werewolf launched at me but I wasn't fast enough to avoid the powerful body that slammed into me. I felt his powerful jaws sink into my arm. A cry of agonizing pain wrenched from my lips. I struggled against the razor-sharp teeth tearing into my flesh as my body hit the ground.

I was about to push the rogue from me but I didn't get a chance. In a blink of an eye the werewolf was ripped off me and flung against the trunk of a tree. He yelled out in pain before falling to the ground.

Confused and in pain, I tried to figure out what was going on.

Trying to make sense of what had happened I took in the dark form that stood in front of me. Through the tears, my eyes cleared as I watched a figure dressed in black bend over the injured werewolf.

"How about picking on someone your own size?" the stranger said in a dark voice as he bent down to pick up the wolf like it weighed nothing.

Shock set in. Then the fear washed over me. Despite my pain all I could concentrate on was the scene in front of me.

My mind couldn't process what I was seeing. I sat up and held my injured arm protectively against my chest as I watched the unbelievable scene play out.

Blood seeped from my wounds but I ignored the throbbing pain as I watched a man slam the injured werewolf against the tree.

My mind screamed for me to get to my feet and to try and escape but fear kept me frozen in place.

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