Micheal and Leah's Plan Part 2

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Savanna's POV

Jacob stared at me not knowing what to say after my outburst. I know what I said hurt him, I could see it in his eyes but it was for the best. He wanted Bella and I was going to let him be with her. I was going to stay out of their way and let them be happy. Sure it was going to break my heart to do so, but if she made Jacob happy that was all I could ask for.

"Savanna.." I glared at Jacob.

"Save it Jake. I don't want to hear it. I'm through okay. Just go be happy with Bella and let me wallow in my sadness." Turning away from him I walk over to Micheal's car and get in the backseat. Rolling down the window I yell at Micheal and Tyler to hurry up. My voice was starting to go back to normal and I was glad for that.

Everyone slowly went to their designated cars and started them up. Micheal and Leah got in the front, leaving Tyler in the back with me. Not that I minded I was glad he sat back here with me. Tyler has been the most supportive. At school he'd walk me to all my classes, even if it made him late for his, and during lunch me and him would go and sit outside instead of in the cafeteria.

Laying my head against Tyler's chest I breathed in deeply. He smelled really good, like that Chocolate Axe that I loved.

"Mmmmm." I mumbled against his chest. Deep rumbles filled my ear as he laughed.

"What?" I smiled up at him.

"You smell so good." He chuckled again and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"You look tired sis. Try to get some sleep and I'll wake you before we get there." I nodded and cuddled up to him. As if a light switch went off I was out like a light. An hour passed before Tyler shook me awake.

"Ugh." I mumbled taking a deep breath, smelling Tyler's cologne again.

"Tyler." I mumbled.


"What kind of cologne do you have on?" I asked.

"Its that chocolate Axe you like so much." I nodded and smiled.

"I knew it. Your a good big brother. Just to let you know." He smiled down at me and kissed the top of my head.

"I try my best. Savanna?"

"Huh?" I asked sitting up.

"Can I ask you a serious question? I want a serious answer too. Don't try and bullshit me cause I will know." I furrowed my eyebrows while my heart sped up. I knew he was going to ask about Jacob and I really did not feel like talking about him. It hurt my heart too much just to think about him.

"Go ahead." I tell him, keeping a blank face so he wouldn't know how much pain I felt right now.

"Why are you treating Jacob like that? One minute you two were happy and seem to be getting along great, but then the next thing I know you two are depressed and hating each other. Well you hating him." I sighed and turned to face the window.

"It's complicated." I mumbled.

"Well uncomplicate it for me. I want to know if I have to kick his ass or not." I shook my head quickly.

"No. Don't hurt him okay. Its nothing. Just I finally realized something about me and Jacob's relationship and I felt it would be better for him and me if we just stopped being friends. Its not like we were dating or anything like that." I felt a pang in my heart at the reality of my words. Me and Jacob weren't dating so why should it hurt me so much to not be talking to him. Oh yeah I remember, because he's my soul mate and not being near him or talking to him not only causes me physical pain but mental pain.

We Fit Together Like Ying And Yang (A Jacob Black Love Story) Being Edited!Where stories live. Discover now