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Edited! <3

Mystery POV

I watched the door, waiting for him to walk in so I could see his beautiful face. When the door opened I couldn't help but smile at the perfection that is Jacob Black, but then I saw her. That girl from this morning. Tyler's sister, Savanna, walked in besides Jacob smiling and looking slightly flushed. Instantly I glared at her as a new found hatred for this girl resurfaced.

Who does this girl think she is! Walking with MY Jacob! I'll destroy her! Her eyes scanned the crowd and looked right into mines. I could tell she saw the look of murderess look in my eyes since she flinched a little and moved closer to Jacob. Hissing I turned away and glared at the board. Already planning ways to make her life miserable.

Savannas POV

Without looking me and Jacob walked into the class and to Ms. Scarborough's desk. Looking up she smiled at us. She has reddish hair and brown eyes. She looked to be about 28.

"Hello Mr. Black. How may I help you?" Jacob put his hand on my shoulder and even though his hand touched my jacket and not my bare skin I could still feel the tingles of electricity. I bit my lip to stop my shiver and looked at the teacher.

"Hi. I'm Savanna Luka."

"Oh you must be my new student." She said and I nodded.

"Well why don't you take a seat beside Mr. Black." I nodded and handed her the pink piece of paper all my other teachers had signed. After she singed it she handed it right back to me. Following behind Jacob, I sighed.

"Whats wrong?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing i'm just tired is all." He chuckled.

"Well then lets get you to your seat." He held his hand out and smiled at me. I looked from his hand to his face. Slowly I took his hand and when my hand touched his I felt a jolt of electricity course through my veins. My eyes widened and I looked up at him to see the same look in his eyes, but he had the biggest smile on his face. Closing his big fingers over my small hand he lead me to my seat.

Sitting down me and him still held each others hands. Reluctantly, I let go of his hand and grabbed my notebooks ready to work. I couldn't help but glance at Jacob to see he looked kind of sad. I instantly felt the need to comfort him and make him feel better. I knew that would be kind of weird so I just kept to myself.

The whole class hour I could feel someone's glare on me and I knew who it was without even looking. Me and Jacob didn't talk the whole hour and I felt sad that he wouldn't talk to me even if we weren't suppose to. When the bell rang I jumped out of my seat, grabbed my stuff and was about to walk out the door when Jacob stopped me.

"Hay! Savanna wait up!" Sighing I stopped and waited for him to catch up. It didn't take long and when he stood beside me I started walking again.

"Whats wrong Vanna?" I shook my head.

"Nothing i'm just really tired."

"Oh." I could hear the sadness in his voice and it ate at my heart to hear him like that. Sighing I slowed my steps a little.

"So what class do you have next?" Digging in my pocket, I pulled out my schedule, opened it and looked at it.

"Um. World Geography."

"Isn't that a freshman class?" Rolling my eyes, I nodded.

"Yeah, but since I've failed it twice I kinda have to pass it to graduate." What surprised me the most was that Jacob started laughing. That sorta pissed me off. I hated when people laughed at me. Rolling my eyes I started walking away from him.

"Hay, wait Savanna i'm sorry. I shouldn't have laughed." I just rolled my eyes and kept on walking.

"Whatever Jacob." I knew he had stopped following me after that so I went to my seventh hour. Room 250, Coach Heins. Huh he must be a Sports Coach. Walking in I completely ignored the other students and walked to the teachers desk.

"Hi. I'm Savanna Luka." He smiled kindly at me and nodded.

"You must be Tyler's Sister." Tyler? Was he already here? Looking behind me I looked for my brothers familiar hair. It didn't take long for me to find him seeing as he was in the middle of this big group of people. I sighed. Of course.

"Miss Luka. I need your pink slip." Turning back to the teacher I dug in my pocket and handed him the paper. He quickly signed it and handed it back to me. Nodding I started walking between the rows until I got to the back. I barley registered the other classmates stares and whispers. My mind was so preoccupied on Jacob that I wasn't paying attention to anything.

Sitting down I pulled out my notebook and a pencil. When the teacher started speaking I barley registered his words. I was so wrapped up in my own mind I barley noticed when the bell rang. Blinking I looked down at my notebook and saw that I had wrote Jacob over and over again in different styles. Blushing I put my stuff away and walked out.

I walked down the hallway, my head down and my mind in the clouds. I wasn't paying any attention to where I walked so when I walked into something hard and warm I kinda had a spazz attack. Looking up I saw the warm eyes of non other then Jacob Black. My new mind obsession. He smiled at me, making my heart flutter.

"Hay Vanna."

"Hay Jake." His smile got brighter after I said his name. I realized it was the first time I had used his nickname. Rolling my eyes I sighed, but smiled non the less.

"Where ya headed?"

"To the office to turn this paper in, then to the car. Gotta get home." He nodded.

"Mind if I walk with you?" I shook my head.

"Nope not at all." Smiling he took my hand, making my heart flutter and my cheeks flush. I almost didn't notice the small sparks of electricity I felt when his hand touched mine. We walked down the hallway, hand and hand. People turned and stared, girl glared at me and whispered among there selves. I rolled my eyes. Jealous bitches.

Walking into the office I saw the woman and smiled.

"Here's my paper." I said handing them to her. She smiled at me.

"How was your day?" I chuckled.

"Hectic, but fine." Her smile got bigger.

"Well that's good." I nodded.

"Bye Miss Miles."

"Goodbye Miss Luka." Me and Jacob walked out of the office and down the hallway. Once we got outside I looked around for my brothers car. I immediately saw him with his famous group of friends. Looking back up at Jacob I smiled.

"This is my stop." He chuckled.

"Okay. Bye Vanna. Ill see you tomorrow." I nodded and smiled. Jacob bend down and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me to his warm body. Blinking I realized he was hugging me. Leaning into him I sighed inwardly, content. Jacob pulled away and kissed my forehead, making me feel all tingly inside.

"Bye Vanna."

"Bye Jake." I was pretty sure I had a big goofy grin on my face when Jacob walked away. Not even caring I pushed through the group of people and hopped in the car. Rolling down the window I yelled at my brother.

"Hurry up dude, I'm ready to go home!" Laughing he turned around and walked over to the passenger side of the car. Getting in the car he gave me the keys which I immediately used to turn the car on. I waited till he closed the door and put his seat belt on. When I was sure no body was behind or in front of me I backed out and drove off of the school grounds.

We Fit Together Like Ying And Yang (A Jacob Black Love Story) Being Edited!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя