I look away from him, embarrassed. Maybe the kiss didn't mean anything, maybe he is being truthful, and maybe, just maybe I was just such a insecure coward for thinking that. I can't help but let tears swell in my already bloodshot eyes. "Look at me."

He gently places two fingers on the side of my chin that isn't facing him and forces me to look at him. I feel so stupid for going to the club and getting waisted. I feel horrible for letting myself dance on people who I don't even know the names of. I am completely disgusted with myself and I'm not sure if I can tell him that ever happened.

"I am disappointed that you don't trust me, Ariana. I have tried-" He pauses. "I have tried so fucking hard to get you to trust me again. And just when I had thought you did, you prove me wrong by believing in that fuck of a kiss!"

I am shocked by his sudden change of tones. He is upset and angry but I don't blame him. He has every right to be angry with me right now. I can't find the words to speak, so I just listen while tears fall down my cheeks that he doesn't catch.

He angrily takes his beanie off, that I adore, and slams it on the ground. "It's only you! You! You! You! Cassandra Brooks- Ariana Grande! It. is. only. you! I give a damn about you! I love you so much and yet you still question my loyalty for you." He stares at me for the longest time. "Say something dammit!"

I burst into sobs, "I'm sorry!"

He steps closer to me and at first I think he is going to comfort me, but when all he does is put me in bed and tuck me in, my heart shatters. I scoot to the back board of my bed and sit up. He doesn't look at me. Instead, he sits in the edge of my bed, his back to me.

I whimpered, "Zayn?"

"I'm not playing games with you." His voice is low and quite scary actually. He stands up onto his feet but doesn't move. It's obvious that he is trying to decide whether or not to leave me and that hurts me.

My voice cracks, "What are you talking about?"

He turns around and frowns at me. "I am not going to feel guilty because of you crying. This isn't my fault, Ariana."

"I didn't say it was," I sniffed. "But how would you feel if the love of your life was kissing another person? Even if it was a stupid publicity stunt."

"I would feel pretty shitty," He admitted, biting his bottom lip. "But I would remember that you were only doing it for the sake of your career and because you'd kiss me not too long after. . ."

I look down again. He is way stronger than I am and because of that, obviously he wouldn't make the same mistake as I did. Of course he wouldn't.

"I want you to tell me everything that happened at the club," He ordered. His eyes study my face and I grow nervous. I don't want to tell him about the club, it's embarassing. The whole thing is embarassing. . .going there in the first place.

"Okay," I tuck a strand of my unbrushed hair behind my ear. I can't tell him that I won't tell him because it will make it sound worse than it is. I didn't do anything that bad. "Well Lexi begged me to go and I did. We had some drinks and just had a good time. . ."

"You went there because you were upset with me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I nod, embarrassed, and look away from him. "Go on,"

"And Lexi was flirting with the bartender and he was doing the same so I went out to the dance floor." I murmured lowly. He shifts uncomfortably and I feel him step closer to the bed, to me.

"What went on there?" He asked timidly.

"Nothing." I muttered, looking at my fingers.

"Ariana, look at me. Look at me when you're talking to me." He demanded, his tone still normal but controlling. I obey and look up at him. He nods once, obviously satisfied with me doing as he told. "Tell me the truth about what happened."

I have a child?! {z.m}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن