Fictional Shmictional

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Words: 1300+

Sequel to "The French Mispeight"

Having your favourite fictional character as a roommate was both amazing and terrifying at the same time.

You loved Gabriel dearly, but something felt off. He wasn't from your world, and it showed. Maybe in the way energy seemed to radiate off of him, maybe it was something else that you couldn't quite put your finger on.

Either way, Gabriel just escaped the devil himself. You half expected a Mark Pellegrino clone to show up at your door, and that one wouldn't be signing autographs.

But nobody came. About a week passed and it seemed that the world, the Supernatural world, truly believed Gabriel was dead.

The archangel stayed inside with you, sleeping every so often on your sofa, snacking rarely, almost living in your shower. Did a celestial being really need all that hot water?

"When are you going back?" The question came out of the blue from you during breakfast.

The archangel frowned. "Do you not want me here?" He asked.

"No! No, it's great having you here. In fact it's something I could only dream of. I just..." You struggled to find the right words. "What if you get stuck in the wrong universe? What if you're stuck here and you don't like it?"

Gabriel chuckled. "Don't worry, Sugar. I just need to recharge, I guess. My grace will be back to normal in no time."

"How long is no time?"

Gabriel was hesitant to answer. "...A few years, give or take."

You groaned. "Gabe-"

"Y/N, hey, don't worry! I'll pull my own weight here. In fact, I'll go out right now and get a job." He walked toward the door.

"You can't go out like that!" You interrupted when his hand reached the metal of the doorknob.

Gabriel looked down at his clothing. "Why, am I not stylish enough? Do people in your universe not wear clothes in public?"

You were slightly tempted to confirm that last statement. "You're not in your world anymore, Gabriel. Here, you're fictional. Played by an actor who looks exactly like you, if you go out you could be mistaken for him!"

Gabriel smirked. "Worried I'll ruin Dick's career?"

"Do you have to call him 'Dick'?" You asked.

Gabe shrugged. "It's fun. But if you want, I have a solution." He did the classic trickster move of snapping his fingers, creating a pair of sunglasses in his hands. You'd seen that with TV magic, but it was a completely different right in front of your nose. The archangel put them on and looked at you expectantly.

"Dollar store sunglasses?" You asked. "You want a fake mustache too?"

Gabriel pouted. "One, rude. Two, they're magic."


"Is there an echo in here? Yes, magic. Anybody who sees me will see a different, yet still handsome mug." Gabriel explained, grinning. "You can't see a difference because you know it's me. Trust me on this, Cupcake."

You sighed. "Alright. Go get 'em, Gabe!"

Gabriel grinned at you, probably winked under his shades, and left.

Your roommate got the job, most likely using a hint of his powers to land the gig of working at the candy shop across from where you worked.

Two months passed and you both moved into a bigger apartment. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms (thank Gabriel's dad), a balcony, and even a pool in the building.

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