Two for the Price of One

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Based on the request by GryfindorCat

Everything hurt. Gabriel couldn't feel his arms or legs, but pain still ran through them in never ending waves. How long had it been since Metatron captured him? A few months? A year? The archangel had no idea.

Light broke through as the door was opened. Being in the dark for so long, the archangel was blinded momentarily and couldn't see who had opened it. "Gabriel?"

With every fibre of his will, Gabriel lifted his neck to see who had spoken. It was the gentle voice of an old friend, a human he'd become attached to. "N-no, it's not possible..."

"What happened?" You asked, kneeling down beside him, assessing the damage. Your fingers brushed against a deep cut on his face, and the angel winced. "You know what, tell me later."

It was so hard to hold on, but your voice kept Gabriel going. "I can't heal myself. Too much has been done too fast." Gabe looked like he was going to cry when your eyes light up. 

"I have an idea." You said, undoing the shackles that restrained Gabriel. "I'm a Winchester, so I'll be strong enough to hold an archangel."

It took Gabe a second to understand what was being asked. "But..." Gabriel coughed violently, trying to rid yourself of the blood pooling in his vessel's lungs.

"Possess me until you get your strength back. Think of it like a rental car while your usual one is at the mechanic's." You explained.

"Y/N, your brothers will kill me-"

"Not without laying a hand on me. Please Gabriel, I can't just let you die!" You cried, biting your trembling lip.

The archangel held a shaky hand to your face. "Are you sure you want this?" Gabriel asked.

You nodded. "Yes."

There was a glow of light, and everything went black.


"Y/N. Y/N!" Castiel's calloused hands shook you awake. "Did you find Gabriel?"

You looked around the cell. Gabriel was gone. "He... I... Well we kind of..."

Blue eyes inspected your face. It looked like he was peering into your soul, which you realised was entirely possible. "You didn't."

"Sorry little bro. I mean Cas. I mean... argh, give us a second to figure out who's in control." You muttered, rubbing your head.

"Gabriel needs rest. For now, Y/N will control their own body." Cas directed.

You grumbled, or was it Gabriel? Things were confusing for the first few minutes until you felt Gabe settle down.

You curled and uncurled your fingers, making sure everything was in working condition. "Alright. Manual control it is."

The angel beside you helped you to your feet. "You're telling Sam and Dean."


"No buts. The longer you keep it a secret, the worse the outcome will be."

You sighed. "Fine. We getting home with the Pimp-mobile or wings?"

Castiel frowned. "For the last time, it is not a pimp car."

"Sorry Cas," You tapped your temple. "Two against one."

Castiel sighed and started walking out, sliding his angel blade back into the worn trenchcoat. "I'm driving."

"Pimp-mobile it is." You chuckled.


"Hey." Dean, your oldest brother said as you walked into the bunker with Cas (and Gabriel) in tow. "How'd storming Metatron's castle go?"

"Fine, we-" You started. Sam and Dean didn't seem to notice when your eyes flashed a bright blue for a second.

For a moment it felt like you were falling... but floating at the same time? It was difficult to describe the sensation of having an angel take over your body. You could still hear and see, but it felt like you sat in the passenger seat, Gabriel being the driver.

"Woah, what the holy hell happened to you two?" Gabriel asked, taking in the sight of two very roughed up Winchester brothers.

Sam raised an eyebrow and winced due to a black eye. "Don't you remember? Poltergeist hunt went south, Dean and I got the short stick while you burned the bones?"

"Feeling okay, Y/N?" Dean asked.

Gabriel winked and moved closer to them. "Not Y/N, bucko." He placed a hand on their foreheads, allowing grace to seep through your skin to heal them.

You were snapped back to reality when Gabriel was hit with a wave of exhaustion. "What part of "get some rest" don't you understand?" You asked the archangel.

"Y/N, what the hell was that?!" Dean barked.

"That wasn't Y/N," Cas stepped forwards and helped you up again. "That was Gabriel."

Sam ran his fingers over the smooth skin of his arm, marvelling at how quickly the roughly done stitches had disappeared. Castiel hadn't been able to heal them, he was saving his grace, recuperating after being having it ripped out and jammed back in.

"You're possessed... by Gabriel." Sam muttered, trying to wrap his head around the situation.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Dean yelled.

You blinked a couple times, blurred shapes becoming clear. "Dean, I-"

"Get rid of him. Now." Sam commanded.

You glared at your brothers. "I do that, he dies!"

"He's already supposed to be dead!"  Dean cried. The tension in the room could be cut with an angel blade. Fury hung in the air between siblings and angels.


Dean tilted his head and squinted at you. "I'm sorry?"

"I said 'no', Dean. Gabriel is staying until he gets better. This is my choice. Not your's, not Sam's, Not Castiel's. Gabe and I both agreed on it, and nothing will change my mind!" You ranted. Without another word, you turned on your heel and marched into your room, slamming the door behind you.

Both you and Gabriel were exhausted. "Sleep?" You asked the archangel.

"Sleep." Gabriel agreed.

Neither of you had slept so soundly since the beginning of time.

The dream was simple, but clear. A hill in the sunshine, the two of you sitting next to each other.

Gabriel looked like was back in his usual vessel. "I must admit, this is the nicest looking body I've ever had." He contemplated.

You playfully elbowed him. "What does it feel like to finally be in someone?" You asked.

"Oh, hardy har. You're so funny." Gabe rolled his eyes while responding with his usual sarcasm. You sat in silence, soft breeze blowing through your hair, colours of the sky changing as the sun set. "Your brothers don't want me here."

"Well I do." Your hand inched a little closer to the archangel's.

Gabriel smiled and entwined his fingers with yours. "Thanks, Cupcake."

Gabriel X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ