Channel Surfing

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Part 2/4 of "The Trickster"

A.N: I cut out most of the script, just to make things easier.

It had been a while now since you'd seen the Trickster. The brothers were incredibly pissed at Mystery Spot when they found out you'd spared him. He'd escaped once more and was now causing trouble.

You'd suggested just talking to him, try to get him on your side in the fight against Lucifer. Surprisingly enough, the brothers accepted.

The police radio blared, reporting a disturbance at a nearby warehouse. The three of you got into the impala, and sped off.

Dean handed out the blood covered stakes and slammed the trunk shut. You unwillingly took one.

The brothers threw open the door and the three of you rushed into the warehouse.

Only it wasn't a warehouse. You were in a movie theatre. Rows upon rows of chairs in front of you and a massive screen playing some crappy medical show on the far wall.

"Sam? Dean?" You spun around. The place was empty apart from you. You had to find them.

You ran out the door only to walk into another theatre. The exact same theatre. You tried running through it but nothing happened. You couldn't escape this place.

When you finally calmed down, you heard a familiar voice. "That's him. That's Doctor Sexy."

Your mouth fell open. Sam and Dean dressed up in scrubs playing doctors in Dean's favourite medical drama.

You tried the door again. You tried touching the screen. Nothing.

Sighing, you flopped down in a seat. You looked back up at the screen.

"I swore part of what makes Doctor Sexy sexy is the fact that he wears cowboy boots, NOT tennis shoes." Dean growled, slamming the main character against the wall.

"Call security." The doctor asked a passerby.

"Oh yeah, well you see, we know what you are." Dean sneered.

The doctor's face morphed into a more familiar one. "You guys are getting better!"

"Cut the crap, what the hell's going on and where's Y/N?" Sam demanded.

"She's safe." The Trickster said calmly, forcing Dean's arm down.

"I'm right here guys!" You shouted at the screen.

The Trickster looked at the camera. "Sorry, but they can't hear you Sugar."

"Who can't hear what?" Sam asked. He looked over at where the Trickster was looking. "Y/N?"

The Trickster smirked and explained what was going on to the Winchesters. They asked about Lucifer.

"You know what, survive the next 24 hours, then we'll talk."

They looked confused. "Survive what?" Dean blinked.

"The game!" The Trickster laughed, as if was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What game?" Sam asked.

"You're in it." The Trickster replied.

Dean scowled. "How do you play?"

"You're playing it!" He grinned.

"What are the rules?" Sam demanded.

The Trickster merely smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. A flicker of static and he was gone.

"Well Cupcake, what d'ya think?"

You turned around. The Trickster was walking towards you, still dressed up in oversized scrubs.

"I think you're a dick." You said.

He sat down next to you. "You're not still mad about Mystery Spot, are you?"

"Not still mad? Not still mad?! You killed Dean a hundred times!" You spat.

"It was to teach them a lesson. And so is this." He said.

"So what's the lesson here? Sam's a 'brilliant coward'?" You asked, quoting the nurse from earlier.

He smiled and shook his head. "No, but you'll see."

You turned to ask what the hell his problem was, but he had vanished.

"Son of a bitch." You muttered.

The scene changed from a hospital to some Japanese game show. Nutcracker? This couldn't be good.

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