All too Familiar

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A.N: Based on the imagine by gabrelxreader (tumblr). I'm working on some requests as well as this. And yes, there will be a part 2 of "Secrets and Surprises"

Witch/Familiar AU

The rain came down in heavy sheets now, making you glad you were warm and dry inside your little shop.

The little shop on the corner of the street that sold everything from herbs to spices, dream-catchers to crystals and well, that was only the tip of the iceberg. To a rare few you sold spells, potions and ingredients you wouldn't find on the typical grocery list.

Due to some odd looking items in your store, some kids in the neighbourhood thought you were a witch...well, they weren't wrong.

Oh no, not the "spew your guts out" or "murder anyone who pisses me off" witch. You weren't centuries old or gaining powers from a demon tied up in the basement. You lived a fairly normal life, helping hunters who passed through or healing those who couldn't afford to pay hospital bills. You helped others, it was what you did.

As the clock ticked forward, you realised it was closing time. Having your apartment just above the shop was very convenient. Meant you didn't have to walk in the pouring rain and get soaked to the bone.

As you flipped the door sign to 'closed' you heard a faint "Arf!" Odd. "Arf arf!" More barking.

Looking to your feet you saw a little orange and white dog, fur wet spattered with mud. It let out a little whine and looked up to you with big, pleading eyes. A welsh corgi if you weren't mistaken. Male by the looks of it.

You knelt down and scratched behind his ear. One of his stubby hind legs twitched a little and a look of content spread across his face. "Hey little guy. You lost?" the pup let out a couple yips.

It didn't seem right to leave the poor thing outside all alone. There was something about him. "No collar...alright, fine. You can come." Content with your answer the corgi gave you a sloppy lick on the cheek and bounded into your arms.

You climbed the stairs, big ball of fluff against your chest. As you opened the door, he jumped out your arms and ran around the kitchen, yipping with excitement...and tracking mud all over your clean carpet.

"Hey!" You cried. "I just cleaned up!"

He sat down immediately and gave you a sad look, almost like he'd understood you word for word. You knew dogs were smart, but this one seemed a little strange.

"Come on." You sighed, patting your leg. You led him to the bathroom and started running the tub. "Let's get you cleaned up little fella."

"Arf!" He gave you another lick before nudging a bottle by the side of the bath.

You picked it up and studied it. "Want some bubble-bath?" You asked.

Another yip for yes. You poured some in and watched the bubbles form, hopping the small dog wouldn't be overwhelmed. You put him in the tub and turned the water off. "Don't you go anywhere, I'm just going to go clean up your mess." The corgi barked happily and watched as you left the room.

About ten minutes later you came back in. "How you doing littlOHMYGOD!"

The dog had vanished. And that wasn't even the worst part. An adult man with sandy-blonde hair and golden eyes had taken his place. He panicked at the sight of you and used the bubbles to cover areas. "I can explain." He insisted.

You drew the small hunting blade you had on you at all times. "Who the hell are you?" You asked.

"I'm the corgi."

"You're the corgi."

"A familiar Sugar," He said with a crooked grin. "Your familiar. Every witch has ther familiar and every familiar has their witch."

"What? I'm not a witch!" You laughed.

The man raised an eyebrow. "A dog just turned into a naked guy sitting in your bathtub and you're denying the paranormal?"

"Fine." You huffed. "You got a name or you want me to keep calling you 'little fella'?"

He stuck a soapy hand out to shake yours. "Gabriel."

You gingerly took it. "Y/N." You replied.


"Hypogriph feathers...done. Now I just need some birch bark and-" You hand moved down to the empty spot on the table where you could have sworn a small branch was five seconds ago.

You looked under the table. Gabriel sat there in corgi form, stick between his teeth.

"Give it back." He inched just out of reach. "Come on Gabriel, I need that. It's not a toy!" You insisted. As you moved closer he sped off as fast as his tiny legs would carry him.

"Gabriel!" You yelled. You weren't sure this whole familiar thing was going to work out.

Chasing after him for a good ten minutes, you caught up to Gabriel and scooped the corgi up in your arms.

After you took the branch back, he gave you a look. "Oh don't you dare!"

You fell to the floor and looked up at a human Gabriel sitting on your chest, laughing his (thankfully not naked) ass off.

He seemed to be full of energy no matter what form he took. "Do it again!" He said happily before lending you a helping you up.

"Gabe, I'm trying to work." You muttered, dusting yourself off. "Aren't you supposed to help?"

"I am helping!" He insisted. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

You sighed and with the stick in hand, made a throwing motion with your arm.

Gabriel grinned and ran in the direction you 'threw' it, walking back a minute later with a look of betrayal on his face. "You didn't throw the stick."

"No I didn't throw the stick, I need the stick." You told him.

In one swift movement, Gabriel reverted back to a corgi, jumped on the table and flopped down on his back on top of your spell book.

Sighing, you gave in and started scratching his fuzzy belly. You watched as his leg twitched and his tongue hung out while you rubbed him.

"If we go for a walk, will you let me finish my work?" You begged.


You looked down at him. Gabriel was still a corgi, but you were sure he'd just spoken.

"We share a telepathic bond. It's how I knew I was yours." Gabriel explained. "Now come on! Squirrels aren't gonna chase themselves!"


You sat up in bed and took a drink from the glass of water you always had on your nightstand.

You looked to your side. Gabriel must have shifted from a corgi in his sleep. He still had that gold dog collar you'd bought him earlier that he insisted on wearing, claiming it was proof of your bond.

His caramel brown hair became even messier as he rolled onto his back, muttering something about squirrels in his unconscious state.

Time to test a theory. You placed your hand on top of his shirt and started gently scratching his stomach. You let out a faint laugh as his leg once again started to twitch and let out a soft growl from the corner of his mouth.

You shouldn't be thinking about him in the way you did. It wasn't allowed, a witch couldn't love their familiar. It was unheard of.

Sighing, you lay back down in bed. You'd have to deal with feelings in the morning.

Gabriel X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now