Let it Snow

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Saturday mornings. Nice and quiet. The boys were out on a case so you had the whole bunker to yourself. Your bed had never felt this comfortable. Of course, you planned on sleeping 'till at least 4.

"Rise and shine sleepyhead!" The voice that accompanied the familiar flapping of wings said. So much for nice and quiet.

You glanced over to look at your clock. 11:34. "Go away Gabriel. I'm sleeping."

He pulled your blanket off (thank God you had pajamas on) and sat down on the foot of your bed. "Come on, I'm bored. It's almost noon, you should be up." He whined.

"Go. Away." You muttered sleepily as you pulled the blanket back up.

"It's snowing..."

You sat up. "Snowing?" The angel nodded. You thought it over for a moment. "Fine. Give me half an hour to get dressed and eat breakfast."

Half an hour and three waffles later, you were geared up and ready to go. Mittens? Check. Hat? Check. Coat? Check.

You ran outside to find Gabriel waiting for you. "What would you like to do first my lady?"

"Snow angels. Let's make snow angels." You flopped down into a pile of fluffy white snow, began to move your arms up and down and your legs in and out.  After a couple minutes you got up to admire your artwork.

"Not bad. But mine's better!" Gabriel grinned, gesturing to his snow angel. All he'd done was lay there and spread his wings, leaving a large feathered imprint on the snow.

"Cheater." You giggled, making a snowball and throwing it at him. "There. Snow angel."

"Hardy-har." Gabe said as he wiped the snow off his face. "What now?"

"Let's make a snowman! You start off making the body and head, I'll go inside and grab a couple things! No magic." You said, causing Gabriel to pout. A few minutes later you emerged from the bunker with a carrot, a tie and some black buttons. Gabriel had already made the body and started on the head.

You stomped around, forming a devil's trap in the snow. You put the body in the middle, the head on top and wrapped the tie around its neck. Some sticks for arms, a carrot for a nose, buttons for eyes and a frown, twigs for angry eye-brows and your snowman was all set. "Voila! Snow Crowley!"

"He really looks like the real thing, doesn't he?" Gabe chuckled.

The rumble of the Impala's engine cut through the silence. "They're back early! Hide!" Gabe pushed you behind a tree. He hid behind another one and you started to make snowballs. "Ready?" he whispered.

You nodded and whispered "Three, two, one...ATTACK!" The two of you jumped out of your hiding place and began to pelt the Winchesters with snowballs. 

"Y/N? Gabriel? You two get out before I-" Dean growled. You hit him smack in the face with a snowball. "That's it. Sam!" The brothers knelt down and made some snowballs.

It was an all out war. Snowballs everywhere. Dean finally managed to lob a snowball in your direction. At the last second, Gabriel jumped in the way.

He coughed and fell down. "Continue...without me." He then proceeded to stick his tongue out and close his eyes, the way a child would pretend-die. You tried to hold back a laugh and passed it off as fake sobbing. 

"I'll never forget you. I will avenge you!" You cried before throwing snowballs at Sam and Dean. They too collapsed. "Victory!" You laughed, running around their 'dead' bodies.

Sam got up. "Let's go inside now. I have snow in places I'd rather not mention."

You helped Dean up. "TMI, Winchester! I'll fix us all some hot chocolate." You laughed.

You couldn't remember the last time you'd had that much fun. Soon enough, you were all inside, sipping hot cocoa.

"I totally kicked your asses today!" You grinned.

"You caught us off guard. I declare a rematch." Dean argued.

You laughed. "In your dreams."

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