Surprises and Secrets

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Based on the requests by fandommaniac and ImpalaAngel92

"Werewolf. I'm sure of it." Sam stated, putting the heavy book back down on the library table. "We can head there now and-"

"I...I'm not going." You said hesitantly. Your brothers turned and focused their attention on you. "I don't feel so well." You continued.

Sam and Dean looked at each other. "I guess you could take this one off." Dean suggested. "But you call if you need anything. And we'll be back at five, okay?"

You sighed, your older brother could be overprotective at times. "Okay Dean, I think I'll live."

Sam kissed the top of your head. "Take care little sis."

"You're five minutes older!" You huffed at your twin.

Sam grinned and lead Dean to the garage. You wanted to join them but you couldn't. It was too risky.

Finally having the bunker to yourself, you sat back in your bed, quietly reading your favourite book, a hot drink on the table beside you.

"Oh Yyyy/nnnn..." Someone called your name. You looked around the room but didn't see anyone. "Over here Sugar."

You let out a yelp. In the full length mirror beside your closet, a man with swept back hair replaced your reflection. "Gabriel," You hissed. "You scared me half to death!"

"Sorry Cupcake. Couldn't just pop in, your brothers might notice. This way is a lot more incognito." Gabriel said. He looked around for a moment. "Guess they're not here, it's WAY to quiet."

"Have you ever heard of texting?" You asked with a laugh. "Some 'messenger of God' you are."

"Hey, gotta spice it up once in a while." Gabe shrugged. "Anyway, meet me at this address. I've got something planned for our anniversary." He huffed on the glass, writing some words in the fog with his finger. Before you could argue, he gave a quick eyebrow wiggle and was gone.

You looked at your reflection, the messy hair, the old pyjamas, the tired looking face. Gabriel had seen you like this? You grabbed a pen and paper to copy what he had written down before realizing "It's backwards you goof."

You managed to decipher the address, a motel not too far from the bunker. You needed to talk to Gabriel anyway.


You opened the door, expecting the usually plain motel room, but of course, Gabriel went all out. Rose petals on the bed, candles lighting the enlarged area, champagne and chocolates on the table...

"Took you long enough." Gabe complained. He flopped down on the water bed and poured himself a glass of sparkling alcohol. He got another and handed it to you.

"Here's to us." Gabriel said, clinking your glasses together. He downed half the champagne in one gulp and swivelled the glass around in his hand.

You didn't partake of the champagne, simply putting it on the beside table, the reason needed to speak to your boyfriend about."Um...Gabriel? There's a reason why I wanted to talk to you."

"Anything Sugar. What's troubling you?" Gabe asked.

"Well as you know, we've been together for a couple years now. We've been...intimate." You started.

Gabriel gave you an eyebrow wiggle. "Yeah we have."

You took a deep breath. Now was the time. "Gabriel I'm-" You glanced at the clock. "What time is it?"

"Five-thirty. Why?" Gabe frowned.

CRASH! Splinters of wood everywhere and a pair of angry Winchesters in the door frame.

"That's why."

Sam pulled you to the side while Dean pointed what looked like a miniature flame thrower at Gabriel.

"One more step and I'll deep fry your ass." The eldest growled.

The archangel backed up and raised his hands in an act of surrender.

"Did he do anything to you?" Sam asked you.

You look around. "What? No! He's...we're..."

Your brothers looked around the room, taking in the romantic setting. "You're dating?!" Dean yelled.

Gabriel snapped his fingers and sent the weapon flying to the other end of the room. "Three years today." Gabriel said with a smirk.

Your twin looked at you, his expression a mix of anger, betrayal and shock. "Him? You've been dating an archangel for three years?"

You nodded. "Anything else you've been keeping from us?" Dean inquired.

"Well, I needed to talk to Gabriel about this. I was gonna tell you about us and it later but seeing as you're here...I might as well say it now." You said in one breath.

Gabriel glanced at your brothers and back at you before asking softly, "What is it?"

The whole room went quiet in anticipation. Dean crossed his arms and glared at you. Sam ran his fingers through his hair and tried to calm himself.

Gabriel held your hand to comfort you. "Go on sugar."

"I...I'm pregnant."

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