"I think Luke and I were in a boat together once. My parents had a braai and we're neighbours and we were dating so my parents decided 'why not?'. We all went for boat rides later and yeah, we were together," I tell him and he nods.

"Romantic," He says through gritted teeth.

"Oh Diego, don't get jealous. You asked," I remind him.

He glances to the corner of the boat, I lean forwards and see that the wood had been carved into. A memory flashes in my mind shortly.


I thought I was in love sometime during that relationship.

I was naive of course.

"I thought it would be you," He says softly nodding in the direction of the carving.

"No biggie," I assure him and a shadow of a smile falls onto his lips.

"Biggie?" He asks and I flush.

"I tried," I heaved my shoulders in defeat.

"I'm going on a business trip tomorrow," He tells me breaking the comfortable silence. "I got the email today,"

"Oh," I say simply.

"You're a woman of words today I must admit," He mocks and I roll my eyes.

"How long?" I ask him.

"I'm back Saturday evening. I'm going to London," He informs me.

"Nice," I reply.

Okay, I didn't really want him to go on a business trip.

It would be for just under a week and I would be bored. That is the only reason. The inevitable boredom. Francesca and Leon would only be available for so many hours of the day, and before Diego and I got engaged I had a job to keep myself busy.

Many hours of my life was dedicated to Black Mint and seeing my best friends there every Friday night (Date Night) had become a sort of tradition. Now I spent a lot of my time with Diego, after all he was my ride. I was still working on the car thing.

Diego can't keep car keys away from me forever.

I suppose I could stay with my parents. I hadn't been here in a while and there were a few advantages to staying here. If I had an entire week then I could read at least fifteen books. There were lots of books here that I missed. My parents would probably lend me a car, I had my driving license after all. But they also might annoy me a lot.

Yeah I'll just stay in the penthouse.

"I bought you a Mac by the way," Diego says.

"You already did," I remind him.

"I bought a new one," He explained.

I didn't need it but I thank him nonetheless. Something that I had learnt was that there was no point in trying to fight with him when he bought me things. He wouldn't return it (even though barely any of them had a no return policy) so I may as well just suck it up.

I didn't want him wasting money on me, especially on things that he bought a few months ago.

"I'm not sure if texting will work when I get there so I thought e-mails would be easier," He says, "in case you need to communicate. You know if something is wrong."


"And I guess if you need to get somewhere Greg is all yours," He continues.

He certainly thought all of this through.

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