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[The night before at the Matthews' apartment.]

Cory slowly drags his slippers across the wooden floor as he makes his way from the kitchen back to his bedroom. He was in no hurry though. He knew he would lie down in bed until morning came, staring at the ceiling, listening to the occasional muffled cries of Topanga, who claims she has been able to sleep through the past couple of nights. But no one has, Auggie included.

Each morning Cory would ask Auggie how he slept, and each morning he would be given the same reply, "okay." The bags and dark circles under the boy's eyes beg to differ. No one was doing okay. Topanga hadn't left her bed since the night they were given the news. Neither Cory nor Auggie had left the house. Auggie spent most of his days playing with toys in his room, while Cory had the rest of apartment to himself. All alone.

The day after they got the letter Shawn called. For one of the first times in their lives, neither of them knew what to say to the other. Their conversation consisted mostly of longs pauses, held back tears and briefly asking if the other had gotten the same letter. After about ten minutes had gone by without either one of them saying a word, they ended the call. Neither is really sure who it was that hung up.

Just as Cory had reached his bedroom, he notices that there is a small light coming from Riley's bedroom and decides to investigate. As he gets closer a small voice began to grow. Auggie.

Cory stands outside the door, until Auggie stops talking. The door creaks while he opens it, as it hadn't been moved too much during the last few weeks. "Hey buddy, what are you doing up?" Cory asks, plopping himself next to the younger boy in the bay window.

Auggie shrugs. "Not much."

"Who were you talking to a minute ago?"

Auggie sways his legs back and forth in silence, before looking up at the stars. He finally answers, "Mrs. Svorski." The light of the night creates a sparkle in his eye.

"What did you tell her?" Cory questions, as he runs his hand through his son's curly hair, holding back tears to make himself seem strong.

"I asked her if she had met Riley up in heaven yet. I told her that she just got there. Then I asked her to take care of Riley and all of her friends," Auggie innocently replies.

"I'm sure that she will took good care of them," Cory responds, a single tear escaping down his cheek. "We should probably get some sleep though." Cory stands up and waits for Auggie to follow. "I can stay in your room tonight or you can come sleep in our bed if you'd like."

"Is it okay if I sleep in Riley's bed?"

Cory is taken back by Auggie's question, and takes a moment to reply. "I'm sure she'd like that," he says with a smile.

Auggie hops over and into Riley's bed, on the side that he would normally sleep on when he used to sneak into her room at night.

Cory follows and kisses Auggie's forehead, wishing him a, "goodnight." He covers Auggie up with some blankets and says, "try to get some sleep."

"I will. Goodnight."

Cory makes his way to the door, before he notices one of the windows in the bay window is cracked open. He walks over to the window and begins to shut it when he is interrupted.

"Wait, don't close it," Auggie retorts. "I opened it for Riley."

"Aug, Riley's not- she's," Cory tries to explain, but tears interject his words.

"I know," Auggie mumbles. "But what if she comes to visit from heaven and she can't get in?"

Auggie's statement only makes Cory cry harder. He is eventually able to wipe his eyes and clear his throat. "She'll be able to get in even if the window is closed."

"Okay," the boy sighs.

Cory closes the window and begins to exit again. Cory closes his eyes and says, "I love you, Auggie," his back facing towards his son, as he stands in the doorway.

"I love you too, Daddy," he hears Auggie answer.

Cory closes the door, glancing briefly at Auggie who's focus is out of the bay window, before finally heading back to his room.

After a few minutes had passed since Auggie was left alone in Riley's room, he gets up and tiptoes his way over to the bay window. Quietly he lifts up the window enough so it could be opened from the outside. Just in case...

A/N: Probably not what you were expecting, but the next chapter will explain everything. Is Riley still alive? Thanks for continuing to read, comment on and vote for this book. It's really appreciated!

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