In which we learn that a special child is a better poet that us!

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Dear Diary,

I have discovered that every child is special in its own way. My autistic charges are equally special. Take Geeta for instance, my dear little friend aspires to become the next Sanjeev Kapur. To help her fulfil her dreams, her mother has converted the little girl into a sous chef. Shyam aspires to become the next Jackie Chan. The school has organized martial arts classes to help him reach the stars. Akash, another autistic boy with a learning disorder wants to become the next Ravi Pandit. Often, this little boy is seen tapping his desk and humming beautiful melodies. To give wings to his dreams, the school provides him with Tabla lessons.

I think these kids are just like us. I found a budding author too! His poem shows a lot of potential. Who knows? He might even join Wattpad someday.

In his poem titled, 'I am', Benjamin Giroux, an autistic fifth-grader gives us an insight into his life. In his touching poem, he writes about feeling 'out of place' and 'like a castaway'.

He says-

'I am odd,

I am new.

'I wonder if you are too.

I hear voices in the air.

I see you don't, and that's not fair.

I feel like a boy in outer space

I touch the stars and feel out of space,

I worry what others might think,

I cry when people laugh, it makes me shrink,

I am odd, I am new,

I understand now that you are too,

I say I, "feel like a castaway",

I dream of a day that's that okay,

I try to fit in,

I hope that someday I do,

I am odd, I am new.

This shows that every child is unique and talented. We should not make them feel like castaways as little Benjamin feels. They deserve to be cherished too.

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