In which Geeta and her friends enjoy at the school's sports day

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Dear Diary,

It was no ordinary day today. It was the best day of the year for the kids. Today, they would be able to soar high. They would be able to take flight. As I entered the venue that would host the most awaited event of the year, the Sports Day, I was greeted by calls of, "Good morning Sagarika Miss!" by all the young sports men and women. I headed over to the shamiana that housed my fourteen charges.

Four of the high functioning kids who were participating in the 100 metres running race were warming up. My favourite charge, Geeta was trying to imitate her friends. Shyam, her best friend was standing beside her looking apprehensive.

"You are doing it all wrong Geeta!" He said.

"No I'm doing it right. Sagarika miss, please tell him!" She pled.

"Geeta, you are not supposed to be doing these exercises. Shyam is right. Let's go on the track and practice for your wheel chair race. What's say?" I said trying to reason with her.

"No! I want to do these only. Why can't I do these too? Sometimes I wish that I could run!" She cried.

Shyam hugged Geeta.

"It's okay Geeta! I am not running too!" He said trying to console her.

"I don't want to participate in the Sports Day! I want to go home!" She wailed.

"Geeta, do you know that you are more special than Rohan, Tanya and Ganga. You'll be participating in a special race and not a regular running race. So do you still want to participate in this race or do you want me to cancel your name? Remember, if you don't participate, even Shyam will not be able to participate. He is your partner." I informed her.

"Geeta! Please say yes! I want to participate in this special race. You and I are special as Sagarika Miss said." He pouted at her.

Geeta looked at her friend with teary eyes and smiled at him.

"We will participate and win! We are special. Rohan, Tan and Ganga, Sagarika Miss told us that we are more special than you guys." She said poking her tongue out at them.

"Geeta, we always knew you were special. You just have to be reminded from time to time." Rohan said.

"Yes! Geeta you are wonderful!" Ganga chimed in.

"Okay! Now I'll again tell you what has to be done in this race. Shyam, you'll push Geeta's wheelchair gently and and pick up the balls kept on the track and hand it over to Geeta who'll put the balls in the bucket she'll be holding. Geeta, if you let go of the bucket, you will be disqualified. I would recommend that you perform in the manner that we have been practicing. All the best kids!" I said.

The Sports Day went without a hitch. The welcome song was sung flawlessly followed by the running events. When it was Geeta and Shyam's turn, they did wonders. I held my breath. The dynamic duo performed well. Geeta never let go of the bucket and Shyam quickly collected all the balls. They were placed second. Geeta's cheeks were flushed with joy. She high-fived Shyam and me and cheekily asked for a chocolate as usual.

I felt so proud of my dear little friend. She taught me that everyone is special in their own way. It was a memorable day.

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