8. Lucky

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Why did she feel she was being watched? Why did it look like she was being followed? She shut her book close and got up, heading for the bathroom but halted in the middle of the Hallway.

“Show yourself” she voiced out. The figure stepped forward holding a bag. “I got them at Forever 21, they'll look good on you”

Eunwoo-issi, why are doing this for me? Mr Jung mustn't find out about you giving me special treatment” she mumbled.

You worry too much, it was Mr Jung who ordered me to get this for you”

Thanks” she said collecting the bag as Eunwoo ruffled her hair. Hang in there, it would over soon”

Sure” she forced a smile. Eunwoo was about leaving when He got grabbed by the wrist. He turned to see a shorter boy, holding on tightly to his hand. “who are you?”

Merita sighed, pulling them apart. Moonbin, this is my Stepbrother, Stepbrother this is My Senior Mr Bin”

Oh...Hyung uh? I'm sorry so. I was just trying to look out for Merita

“She's old enough to take care of herself”

“Dude she's still in highschool. How's she old enough to take care of herself?”

Age is just a number” Eunwoo retorted. Bin scoffed. “yea but you don't see my under-aged as* drinking alcohol”

“Your problem is not my business”

“It will be because-”

The sound of a loud piercing screamed alerted them. They turned to see that Merita wasn't there anymore. Eunwoo left Moonbin standing there confused. Eunwoo saw the bags of the clothes and accessories he got for her lying on the floor.

He clenched his fist. He was suppose to protect her. He looked at the bag one more time before going to search for her.

    “I know you Merita Seon, I know your true colours but if you want to leave, you have to tell me who sent you” a boy with pink fluffy hair said, picking up his favorite knife. Merita could see her reflection in it.

“It won't hurt that much because the pill I just gave you kills your sense organ. Well its just for a while, so you better hurry and tell me who sent you”

She sniffed as she felt her eyes closing. The door opened and another boy with mint green hair entered.

Woozi, the Boss wants her alive”

The named woozi smiled. She's the first to escape my knife. Count yourself Lucky”

She looked into his eyes and she fainted.


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