7. Happy Birthday.

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(A/N): Cause I'm Excited today! Ama post Two chapters!

“I knew he would be foolish enough to fall in love with you. That no good son of Yoon Haeri, is as foolish as she is. She'd probably not want anything bad for him. She'd probably train him to be someone good” President Jung ended, picking up the napkin to wipe his mouth while Merita sat there, collecting her thoughts about Sanha.

If he's as innocent as you say he is, why do you want to k-”

“You ask too many questions these days. I'm beginning to suspect you”

I haven't done anything wrong for you to suspect. You know what, I don't care what you do, just promise you'd save me”

Merita concluded as her doorbell rang. Her eyeballs widened, she wasn't expecting anyone. She looked at President Jung then at the door.

“I'll go see who it is”

He nodded as Merita headed for the door. She inhaled and exhaled, opening the door a little to see Sanha.

“S-sanha?” she choked on her saliva. What was he doing here? How? Why?

I want to have dinner with you. Will you let me?”

  Merita smiled nervously. uhm, you see I'm actually not-”

“Its my birthday, I want to spend the rest of the night with you”

Merita gulped. “I'll go take my purse and my coat. Wait here”

Sanha did as he was told and waited a long time before she finally showed up.


“y-yea” she stuttered, turning back to stare at her house. That was close. Too close.

             Sanha threw a piece of bread into the water. Merita followed as well, watching the fishes struggle to get it. Sanha stopped and faced her.

Where are your parents?” he asked.

“I have no idea. I don't know who my real parents are” she lied. She knew her parents but there was no way in hell she would tell him that.

“So how did you survive? Growing up And all?”

“I guess I just survived” she replied, hoping Sanha would drop the topic. You must have been lonely. Well, I'm here now and I'll make sure you never get lonely Snow White”

Merita bit her lower lips, nodding to his words. She didn't think so. One of them was going to leave. Either Him or Her. One of them will end up lonely.

She turned to face Sanha. She was staring into his beautiful eyes. She shook at the the thought of how close they were. Sanha leaned forward trying to close the gap but she turned away.

“Happy Birthday Yoon Sanha


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