"What is it, then?" Jhanelle asked.

"Ed Sheeran's song, erm, Thinking Out Loud?" I answered but it's more like a question as I don't really listen to the trending music and such.

"Which part?" Niall asked.

"I don't know, just sing it." I said.

"Why don't you do it?" Jhanelle asked.

"I'm technically the only one in the group who is not a member of the theatre so, yeah."

Niall groaned yet, he stepped forward. "You better be sure about this, Harry." I smiled cheekily as I backed away near the ladies.

"He's really not going to do it." Taylor said but I reckon I still know Niall more than she does.

"Why is he a member of the theatre club if he doesn't sing?" I asked.

"Backdrop and sound effects director." She answered.

Niall started singing that part that sort of goes like, Take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of a thousand stars, I didn't get or understand the next line but the rest I knew is about a couple dozen had echoed with the part that goes, we found love right where we are.

And then leaguers started appearing. Ajax for one had accompanied us to the camps telling things about how he was looking forward on seeing us again.

"It's nice to have recruits every once in a while." He said excitedly.  "You planning to join too, miss?" He asked to Taylor.

Little does he know, she used to be a leaguer. I wonder how they didn't know.

Taylor shook her head, "I'm just here to watch, mostly." She replied.

"Alright, let me know if you change your mind." He said and then started talking to Jhanelle, congratulating her about the little second place thing last time. "I'm keeping my eyes on you, Neo." He told Niall since he changed his UN when he came back to Neo. How original but it did surprise me that no on else got that UN first.

Niall just laughed at Ajax, "Better pray I'm your side."

When his attention was kept on Jhanelle and Niall, I walked beside Taylor.

"How come no one ever knew about you?" I asked in a low voice.

"I never reveal myself." She answered plainly, keeping her hands in her pockets.

"Yeah, but how would they know if you won? I mean, I've seen your game records and damn, the numbers are over what, three hundred?"

"Three hundred and fifty eight hits in about twenty-three games." She corrected but not in the boasting manner. "I always leave my mark before everything. We didn't always have fancy drones, did we?"

"Ah." I haven't really thought about that part. Her record is huge, I've got to admit but, uh, well, I've been in more games than hers so I might have gotten five hundred. I've been at it for years that's why in my age group, my record leads.

When we got to the camps, unfortunately for Niall, Jhanelle and I got to the same group, South so we couldn't exactly kill each other but we were on the hunt for him.

Taylor was left with the spectators of the games, apparently, that's where they get the sponsors most of the time, by sharing the games in YouTube and other networking sites.

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