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Things were in full swing now, music blaring and couples spinning on the dance floor. I'd watched their special dances, and they seemed exceedingly complex. Most of the wolves were lithe, graceful dancers, moving with a fluidity that would make a ballerina weep.

Getting away without Rian's notice was almost impossible. Literally. I didn't know when or how Marie would help me—or if she even remembered I needed to see the doctor—so I tried to escape without her help. Yet every time I stood up, saying I was going to grab new drinks for us or something, Rian would instantly hop up. He refused to let me go anywhere by myself.

Alas, Marie came to my rescue an hour or so into the Palooza. She brought along her husband and a few other men I didn't recognize.

"Rian, the men are going on the Run now," she informed him. "You're going to go, aren't you?"

"No." He never tore his gaze from the fire.

"You're soon-to-be-Alpha," his father reminded him. "It's going to be your duty to lead the Runs soon."

The Runs? Was I supposed to be tracking this conversation?

This time Rian met his mother's gaze with a withering look. It only softened slightly at the pleading in her eyes. "I'm not Alpha yet."

"Come on, son," his father cheered. "You've never missed a Run before!"

"I know you're worried about Faye." Marie touched my hair affectionately. "I will keep her close to me. You don't need to worry."

A growl caught in his throat. "The last time someone told me that she almost got eaten."

"She's not going anywhere near Titus," she promised.

I was all for that, seeing as how just the thought of his blank eyes made me want to run, but how were we going to get the doctor without going near Titus? Sighing, I forced myself to just go with it. Marie knew what she was doing. Hopefully.

"We'll have fun." Calvin squeezed his son's shoulder. "Nobody around here has had fun in a long time. Let's get to it."

When Rian looked at me, trying to hide the torn feeling he felt behind a mask of indifference, I pushed a smile across my lips. I applied pressure to his fingers where they intertwined with mine.

"Go do it," I said. "I'll be fine. I think you should do something with your pack anyway."

"Are you sure? I won't go if you're scared even a little bit."

Scared? "I am not scared. Don't worry about me, Rian. Your mom and I will have some bonding time."

The right side of his mouth turned up. "Okay, okay. I'll go."

Calvin let out a hoot and trotted over to a few other men. They cheered and sent Rian thumbs up. I still didn't see what the big deal was, so I hoped I could get the truth out of Marie.

Rian pulled me up from the log and drew me in for a kiss, which I shied away from. His brows rose questioningly, but a knowing grin crossed his face at my blush. He settled for a peck on the cheek. Though he touched my hair and stared into my eyes, I could tell he was already somewhere else.

"Be safe," he whispered.

"I love you," I replied.

"I love you, too, little fox."

Then I watched him join the other men. They all kicked off their shoes and pulled their shirts over their heads. I promptly turned away to protect my eyes. Marie chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist.

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