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The sleepover was a total success, mostly due to the drama over Rian. Rhonda and Kate got a good kick out of that. I let them ramble and conspire about Rian and the adorable babies we could make the entire night. Every time we tried to watch a movie, one of them would interrupt with a sappy comparison of me and my potential man. This was why I didn't like going out in public with them.

Tuesday morning arrived all too quickly. We got ready for school and went our separate ways. Most of my classes passed in a bore. I had work an hour after school, and even though that wasn't the most exciting way to spend my time, at least I got paid for it.

Yet the day somehow got more interesting after the final bell. I was exiting the building, chatting with Rhonda about how graduation was only a matter of days away now, when I saw it. A silver Camaro parallel parked along the curb of the sidewalk in front of my car. And leaning against the drool-worthy muscle car was Rian Whitewater.

"I'll take him if you won't," Rhonda teased. "Love ya, girl. Behave yourself."

I was too shocked to respond to her jest. After recovering from my gape, I took a deep breath. So what if Rian was here when he wasn't a student? Maybe he was waiting to talk to Mr. Wright. They were family, after all.

While I would have preferred to go to my car and pretend like I didn't see him, he suddenly lifted his gaze from his phone. My muscles tensed. I already panicked when attractive males looked my way. I'd have to get over that one of these days.

"Hi, Rian," I greeted, uncertain if I should approach him or not.

"Hey." He took the initiative by coming to me. "I hope this doesn't bother you. I wanted to see you...but I didn't think about how weird it would be if I just showed up at your school..." Nervously chuckling, he raked his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, sorry. I'm beginning to realize how weird this is."

The stupid blush on my cheeks probably gave away my secret satisfaction. He wanted to see me? Well, I could get used to that. But it was strange, wasn't it? What if Rian turned into a creepy stalker?

"It's okay," I told him. "Just let me know next time."

His smile was sheepish. "I would, but I don't have your number."


"I can take yours now, if you don't mind."

"Sure." As I rattled off my number, I continued to ponder how weird this conversation was. And wonder why I didn't feel more uncomfortable about it.

"This is all abrupt, I know," he admitted. "Sorry."

I shook my head. "Don't worry about it."

"So..." He chewed on his lip and my heart danced. "Wanna get coffee or something?"

"Um, I would love to, but I work after school," I explained, embarrassed that I had to reject him when he'd come to the school to see me.

He laughed. "Right. Sorry. I realize how ridiculous it was for me to put you in this position."

Every time he apologized I just got more embarrassed. My entire face warmed as I looked away.

"We can always go out tomorrow...?" I suggested. "I don't work then."

"That'd be great." He twisted his long fingers together.

"Alright, cool."

"I'll text you so you have my number," he said, heading back to his car.

I nodded. "Okay."

Then I hurried to my own vehicle as quickly as I could, pretending like that wasn't one of the most awkward moments of my life.

~A weird chapter, I know. Forgive me. All will be explained in the next chapter🤞~

The Betaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें