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Insanity. This was all insanity. How could he ask this of me?

"Faye, just listen," Rian pleaded, reaching out to touch my arm. "Just look at it like a vacation. It'll be fun."

"There's no way I can justify this to my parents, especially my mom." I jerked my hand away. "We've only known each other for three weeks and one of those we weren't even speaking. My mom will think I'm totally delusional. There's no way she'll let me go."

He gave me an annoyed look. "You're eighteen years old. You don't need your mother's permission."

That only made it worse for him. My brows angrily drew together. "If I want her to help me through college and life, it would be wise to stay in her good graces."

"Faye, I can't..." Rian trailed off as he sighed, raking his fingers through his gelled hair. "I can't go back without you, and my uncle is forcing me to return. I don't have a choice."

"Why? I don't get it. Why can't you live the way you want?"

"Because. Being a wolf is complicated. I told you that."

I deepened my glowering while firing back, "Well, what if I don't want to come? What if I can't handle this lifestyle?"

His face dropped, a hurt look framing his eyes and lips. "What're you saying?"

"I don't know. This is just a lot. I've learned so much in the last week and I don't know if I can...I'm a human, Rian. I'm normal and boring, and I like it that way."

"It's not always going to be like this," he said, successfully capturing my hand in his. "It'll settle down."

"When? In a few months? A few years?" I threw my free hand in the air. "And what about my plans? I guess I can't go to college and get a degree like I'd wanted?"

Those blue eyes I adored darkened with heartbreak. "Of course you can go to college. You just...can't do it here."

I groaned in frustration. My sense of independence didn't appreciate someone else dictating my life. If we were married, it would be different. But we weren't married and I was definitely not ready to be a wife.

"Faye," Rian reasoned, "it will be better for everyone if you come with me tomorrow. Trust me. Please."

"Better for everyone? What does that mean?"

His tongue skimmed his lips. "Alpha gave Titus orders that he can't refuse."

Worried, I waited for him to explain. A bad feeling took root in my stomach.

"My uncle told him that if you wouldn't come willingly, he would have to resort to force." When I opened my mouth to protest, he rushed to add, "And I will do everything I can to protect you, but eventually they will knock me out and take you. I would rather we both go willingly."

I was fuming. Who did Rian's uncle think he was to just go around, kidnapping people? What made him believe he was above the law? Still, I was so much more furious that Rian was actually okay with this. How messed up were these people?

"I can't stand to think of anyone touching you, Faye. If we don't go along with this, they will find a way to force you. I'll lose it," he murmured, gravely closing his eyes.

"Why do they want you to return so badly? Why is it suddenly so important? They were fine with letting you move to Tidy Heights before!"

Something wasn't adding up. There was something he was leaving out.

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