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I could tell by the look on her face that Faye hadn't been expecting my home to look like this. Her eyes bounced between the stone cottages, mouth parted in awe. When she saw Rosco's giant log mansion at the end of the street, her jaw dropped.

"This is gorgeous," she told me.

"Thank you."

Titus wiggled his way between us again. "In case you were wondering, the big one at the end is mine."

Faye giggled while I rolled my eyes. I gently pushed him into the backseat again.

"So all of these homes belong to your pack?" she asked.

"Yep," I said. "Few people know about our little...neighborhood."

"That's because you live out in the middle of nowhere."

A burst of haughty laughter broke free from the annoying leather jacket in the back. "We're wolves, honey bunches. Of course we live in the middle of nowhere."

"But Mr. Wright doesn't," she countered, eyebrows raised.

"Mr. Wright?" Titus gave me a questioning look.

"She's talking about Michael." I glanced at her. "My cousin is different. He has way more control than most wolves."

"Oh," Titus chimed in. "Not to mention that jerk prefers you boring humans over his own kind."

Faye's gaze stared off at nothing in particular, lost in her thoughts. I touched her hand to bring her back.

"It's not typical for wolves to live in suburbs, always surrounded by people. That's not normal for us," I told her.

"Makes sense."

Our conversation stopped as I pulled into Rosco's driveway. Titus was the first out of the truck. Sarah charged out of the cottage next door and threw herself into his arms.

"That's how animas usually act after going a few days apart," I told Faye, who was curiously observing the couple.

"So that's Sarah?" she wondered.

I nodded and pushed open my door. "Yep. They've been together for about a year now."

We met at the hood of the truck, where I intertwined our fingers. Sarah noticed us then and untangled herself from Titus' hands and lips.

"Is this the wonderful Faye Derby I've heard so much about?" she squealed while rushing in our direction, her tight brown curls bouncing around behind her.

"Hi, Sarah," Faye greeted.

Instead of shaking Faye's outstretched hand, Sarah pulled her in for a hug. "Welcome to the pack! I'm so glad you're here."

Faye seemed taken aback by Sarah's enthusiasm, though she did manage a polite smile.

"Thank you. It's nice to meet you," she murmured, avoiding all of our probing gazes.

"Come on," I told my shy little butterfly. "It's time for you to meet the guy who keeps pestering me all the time. Besides Titus, of course."

The said person dramatically gasped as his arm draped around Sarah's waist. Smirking, he said, "Good luck with the big guy. Me and my lady have some catching up to do."

"That's nice." I tightened my grip on Faye's hand.

She grimaced and leaned into me.

"Some day you'll get used to him," I promised with a grin.

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