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Perhaps I was just feeling dramatic after the strange turn events for the day. First, I found out my uncle, our pack Alpha, was dying. Second, I bumped into my anima outside my sister's house. Third, the watch belonging to Michael, my cousin, had my name on it. With the title Alpha attached.

"Why is my name on this?" I asked the moment Thea and I found our relative in the theater.

Michael's face paled. His pitch-colored eyes shifted guiltily. "I'm afraid there's been a change in future command."

"What'd you mean?"

"Well." He scratched his cropped silver hair and took a deep breath. "I will explain everything to you later. Over a drink. I'm gonna need a strong one. But," he quickly added, "I have a production to direct, so it has to wait."

My brows drew together in frustration. Michael tucked the watch in one of the pockets of his slacks before marching off. Thea touched my shoulder to reclaim my attention.

"What was that about?" she asked softly. Her eyes, nearly identical to mine, seemed to have darkened with worry.

"Nothing," I muttered. "Just—"

My tongue twisted. There was she was. My anima hurriedly strode past us. Her sweet, peachy scent washed over me. She ducked into the third row and chose the seat closest to the aisle.

"Rian? Hello?" Thea shook my shoulders. "Rian, are you in there?"

"I-I..." My gaze reluctantly tore away from the girl. "Yes. What were we talking about?"

She rolled her eyes. "You can be so vacant sometimes. You were telling me about what just happened between you and Michael."

Shaking my head to clear it, I replied, "Right. Well, it was nothing. Wolf stuff."

But that was a lie. The engraving on that watch meant something. I just didn't know what. Regardless, I didn't have the capacity to think about that now. Not when my anima was in the same room as me.

The Betaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن