Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning realizing that I had fallen asleep on my laptop. I groggily pushed myself up and rubbed my eyes. I stretched lazily as I began to walk towards the bathroom.

When I got out, I went into the kitchen. Suddenly a steaming cup of what seemed like coffee appeared in front of me. I looked up to see my dad. "Here." He stated. I took the cup and slowly sipped it.

"Thanks," I said in a slightly sleepy state.

A few moment of silence passed before my dad began to speak again and I was a bit more awake. He took a deep breathe in first, which caught my attention big time. "I talked to Adren yesterday, he said that he can get you onto an official Basketball team soon. But you need to keep your grades up and continue to exceed in your practices." He informed me.

Joy over took my body. This was all I had ever wanted. I was about to jump up, but I realized my dad still had a serious expression plastered on his face. "What's the catch?" I asked skeptically.

"When you accept the offer, you are going to have to train in another country for a while." My eyes widened at his words.

"What! That's crazy? There is no way I'm doing that! I don't even..."

"That is what you're doing. Yu-Na, you don't have forever to pursue a professional basketball career. I know you don't care, but your mother and I are getting older and we do care." My dad stopped me and stressed his words. I remained quiet for some time not knowing how to respond. "Please think about it. And remember the offer won't stay open for too long. There are people out there who are just as good as you or even better, but they're more ready to make the sacrifice. If you don't want to make the sacrifice, don't expect to succeed." My dad said quietly before leaving. I heard him sigh just as he made it out the kitchen entrance. Not too long after I heard the main door close. And all that time I stood in the kitchen practically paralyzed by my father's words.

"Honey? Are you okay?" I snapped out of my daze and turned around to see my mom still in her sleeping clothes. She rubbed her eyes, probably still adjusting to the bright light that was hanging from the kitchen ceiling.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said before dodging her. I walked to my room and quickly got changed. I need to be out right now. When I finished I went to the dining area and packed all my school things.

"Honey, come have breakfast before you go." My mom called out to me.

"I'm in a hurry mom, I'll just grab something at the cafe." I spoke quickly, placing a kiss on her cheek before grabbing my jacket and an umbrella, and making my way out of my home.

[A/N: I honestly don't know why I'm still writing this book, considering no one is reading it. I guess I just really like the idea. I can't wait to finish editing the next few chapters so I can publish them. Anyways, goodnight (or day) ❤️✌️]

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