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"Why are you so defensive, Adrien?" Alya asked grinning.

"My man Adrien really likes Ladybug and Cat Noir. He's like their number one fan." Nino answered for him.

"Um yeah sure." Adrien said blushing slightly.

"You like Ladybug??" asked Marinette excitedly.

Adrien rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "I mean I..."

"Guys, can we focus! We gotta keep an eye out for Ladybug and Cat Noir!" Alya demanded.

"What about Volpina?" Adrien asked.

"Oh yeah, her too!" Alya said giggling slightly.

Alya leaned over to Marinette and whispered, "Let's see how long Adrien can stall."

"I think you're totally wrong about him," whispered back Marinette.

"What are you two whispering so conspiratorially about?" Nino demanded next to them.

"Oh nothing," Alya said winking at him.

"Ah ha! Some new fans to interview!" shouted Interviewer breaking through the window.

"Uh oh! Run!" shouted Alya.

They all ran different directions but Nino was too slow and got hit by a flying microphone. "Ask any question you wish, Interviewer." he said eyes glazed over.

"Sorry, Nino..." Marinette whispered to herself, "but I need to go transform."

All three super heroes found a place to hide and transformed. They all ran out about the same time too.

"Well, well, well, guess we all got the memo at the same time," Alya said watching Cat Noir's reaction.

"Seems so, but no time to chat. Nino needs our help!" Cat Noir exclaimed getting his staff and flipping it around his body.

"Agreed. Let's save these people before it's too late!" Ladybug said swinging her yo-yo around.

Alya/Volpina noted the Interviewer was questioning Nino. "Do you know who Ladybug and Cat Noir are? Answer quickly! The viewers are waiting!"

"I think it might be someone at our school... But IDK..." he replied almost drone like.

"Hey, Interviewer, wanna find out who we really are? We're right here!" shouted Cat Noir.

She whirled around and almost snarled, "There you are! Prepare to become powerless in the might of my interviewing powers!"

She started throwing microphones at them one after another at amazing speeds. They all swung their weapons around dodging and blocking.

"There's too many of them! What do we do?" shouted Cat to Ladybug.

"We gotta find the akuma! I bet it's in her microphone she's holding!"

"Let's go from all sides!" shouted Volpina.

"Sounds like a plan! Cataclysm!" shouted Cat calling up his super power.

They all started running towards Interviewer. "You all are making a great mistake." she said grinning and throwing a bunch of microphones at Cat all at once. He hit several with his cataclysm but one got through.

"No! Cat!" Ladybug shouted.

Interviewer cackled as he stopped in his tracks and got a glazed look over his eyes.

"Why do they always go for Cat Noir?" wondered Alya aloud after stopping in her tracks.

"Cat Noir, I have a question for you." Interviewer said approaching slowly.

"Anything for the audience." he said mechanically.

"Who are you really, Cat Noir? Tell us your secret identity!!"

"No! Don't do it, Cat Noir! Lucky charm!!" shouted Ladybug desperately.

She got a piece of duct tape.

"Well... That's helpful..." mumbled Volpina.

Ladybug glanced around and saw Volpina's flute highlighted and Cat Noir's mouth highlighted. "Volpina! Blow this at Cat Noir's face!"

"Ah! Right!" said Volpina getting ready.

Ladybug threw the piece of tape towards her and Volpina blew it directly at Cat who's mouth was just about to open to answer Interviewer. It stuck on and no one could hear his answer.

While Interviewer was distracted, Ladybug grabbed her microphone and broke it. "No more evil doing for you, little akuma!"

Her yo-yo snatched the akuma and she said, "Time to de-evilize!" the akuma flew out good again.

"Bye bye, little butterfly." she said grinning as it flew out.

She ripped off the tape on Adrien's mouth who yelped and threw it up, "Miraculous ladybug!"

Everything was fixed and Nadia Schamat found herself in the middle of Paris. "What on earth happened??"

"Long story, but let's just say Hawkmoth akumatized you and made you try to spill Cat Noir's secret identity." Volpina explained.

"Wait what?!" Cat demanded.

"But you're safe now! And no secrets spilled," Ladybug said helping her up.

"Whew..." said Cat looking relieved. "Now if it had been your secret identity, m'lady, I wouldn't have minded." he said putting his face right in front of hers.

"In your dreams, Cat." she said giggling and pushing him away.

"Good work, guys! We rock!" said Volpina coming up to them.

"Pound it!" the three of them said making a triangle pound.

"I think we're definitely going to make a great team!" Ladybug said grinning at Volpina.

"Me too!"

Cat and Ladybug's miraculous both started beeping simultaneously. "Guess we gotta go..." Ladybug said grinning sheepishly.

"Next time I'll show you guys my secret super power!" Volpina promised.

Volpina ran off but Cat grabbed Ladybug before she could leave. "M'lady, I... I want to meet you... The real you..."

"Cat... I don't think that's a good idea..."

"But we're going to the same dance... Perhaps we could meet somewhere?"

Marinette could hear her earrings beeping like crazy. "Cat... I Uh.. I'm going with someone I really like... And I don't know if that would be a good idea..."

"Yeah... I mean... I understand..." he said letting go with his ears drooping slightly.

Marinette felt so conflicted for some reason. "Maybe one day, Cat..."

She then ran off and glanced behind her. He was still stooped over and she felt like a knife was being thrust in her chest. What was wrong with her??

She de-transformed in a random alcove and Tikki fell into her hands exhausted.

"Tikki, why do I feel so bad about Cat Noir? Like I'm going to the prom with Adrien! Why do I care so much?"

"Maybe because you like him?"

"There's no way!"

"But you guys have been partners for almost three years now... He may be a flirt, but he really only flirts with you and even the real you too..."

"I just don't know, Tikki... I mean Alya thinks Cat is Adrien. But there's no way!!"

"But what if he is Adrien? Wouldn't that be amazing?"

"I don't know... Come on, Tikki let's go back to school. I'm sure Alya will want to talk about the recon."

She trudged back to school feeling really down after everything went so well. Why did feelings have to be so complicated??

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon