Chapter 28 - NUTS!

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December 22nd, 1944
The eastern approach;

The defense was still holding strong, yet as time passed the defensive perimeter continued to shrink further and further back towards the town of Bastogne. Both supplies and munitions were thinning and in some cases completely out. Leaving morale at an all time low for the defenders of Bastogne.

Bordering the 327th GIR defensive sector, Jack usually took the time to walk between his company and one of the companies from the 327th to keep up contact with their CO.

It was then, on Jack's usual trek through the snow he heard an engine from a vehicle approaching from the other side of the field where the Germans were dug in.

Everyone along with Jack raced into cover before shouldering their rifles at the approaching sound. Jack himself was kneeling with his body pressed up against the tree for added support as he looked down through his sights. Aiming at where he'd believe the vehicle was going to emerge from.

A Kubelwagon appeared from the tree line and the first thing that caught the soldiers attention was the white flag one of the passengers carried.

Jack knew many of these G.Is were jumpy, but at least none of them shot or needed to be told to lower their weapons.

As the vehicle slowed down, Jack was cautious when he stepped out from the tree that was giving him cover. No doubt an enemy sharpshooter was on the other side watching Jack through his own sights.

Once the driver and Jack caught sight of each other, Jack held his palm up to the German party and they followed his command. Stopping the vehicle and waited for the American to approach them.

"Tag gentlemen... I assume at least one of you speak English?" Jack asked as the three men got out of the vehicle to greet him.

"I do yes, I have a letter for the commander of Bastogne to surrender." One of them said, as he stepped forward and got to the point. "General von Luttwitz will two hours for him to consider it, starting now at the reception of this letter." The German continued as he held out the enveloped letter out to Jack.

"Well, alright... I'll see to it that he gets it then as quickly as possible." Jack said before he reached out and took the letter.

"We will wait for your answer here, you have two hours from now to come up with a response." The German said again as he nodded a little while Jack turned back and began his journey over to the eagerly awaiting men.

After telling the Sergeant to take the Germans to his CO and have them phone ahead to notify the Chief of staff about his delivery. Jack moved off through the defensive lines in search of a ride to town and perfect timing too, there was a passing jeep that stopped and the driver gave him a ride.

Quiet was the ride and both the driver who was someone from the artillery corp and Jack knew along with everyone else they were completely surrounded.

The Germans had done a number on them, pushing way past the defenses and surrounded Bastogne once the Germans realized capturing the town wasn't going to be so easy.

So now, trapped behind enemy lines and nearly depleted on basically everything, the two men along with the rest. Are freezing their asses off, weary, and exhausted.

Traveling down the usual routes into town from the eastern approach, there were fires lit with men huddled around them in search for warmth as bodies were still being added to the rows of dead. The corpses were neatly placed side by side and wrapped up in sheets since they ran out of body bags yesterday.

The town itself looked so different since Jack last visited a lot of the bodies and rubble covering the roads have been taken care of. Almost like nothing had happened here at all excluding the now standing skeleton buildings here and there.

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