Chapter 4 - Opening engagements

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"Damn Parker! You nailed that som' bitch!" A voice cheered out from the cover of the barn, it was a Sergeant who was watching through his binoculars which had spotted Aaron in the first place.

Hearing the cheer, soldiers began to stand up, thinking that the area was clear of any immediate danger. After all, everyone just heard the First Sergeant call out the kill and with their inexperience. No one was thinking that there'd be a second sniper in the area either.

Baron was seething with anger, and he was drowning in sorrow, the area from where he saw the sniper's scope glint was ingrained into his memory. There was no chance in hell that Baron was going to let that man live, he was going to take revenge for the young German that just started his career in the Wehrmacht just days ago.

Taking aim once more, and adjusting his sights to the correct adjustments, he proceeded to scan the stone wall in search of his prey.

But when he started his search, he was surprised to see everyone was standing up, "Their inexperience will be their demise." He muttered as he scanned the area, observing the infantry squads that were standing around.

He'll make that bastard pay, and he won't rest until that American's dead.

As his angered search carried on, he slowly began calming down enough to start thinking more straighter. He brought his rifle to the left a little and looked around the barn, and he found his target within moments.

"There you are..." Baron growled as he lined his shot up, placing the crosshairs just above his upper lip and got ready.

With a sharp inhale, Baron began to slowly exhale in order to calm his heart rate down. And once it was at the slowest it'd get in it's resting position, he pulled the trigger.

The rifle shot once he squeezed the trigger and the bullet lunged out from the barrel of the weapon. It flew straight and true towards the American holding the bolt action rifle.

Baron wanted that man to suffer, so he took a dastardly shot to do it.

The bullet started to fall and it slammed into the throat of the soldier in his sights, causing blood to splash out behind him and splatter the second soldier standing to his left in blood.

The initial shock of getting shot washed over the squad's designated marksmen before the events of what happened caught up to him, causing him to collapse to the cold, hard earth.

As everyone scrambled back into cover, the dying man was violently shaking as he held onto the front of his throat where blood was gushing out between his fingers, gasping for help.

A medic came to the rescue of the dying man but he wasn't able to stop the bleeding since he was already drowning in his own blood. The suffocated choking noises that the soldier made was a spine numbing horror that'd be haunting a lot of the men here.

His body stopped the violent shaking a minute later and the suffocated gurgling noises ceased to stop as well as the blood flowed from his nose and mouth.

"Doc, get back into cover we can't r-"

Another loud crackle from the rifles report echoed as Baron took his second shot at the newest target.

The soldier that Baron had aimed for slumped forward as he went down, crying out in pain.

He was alive miraculously, so the medical Sergeant ran forward and dragged his wounded comrade into cover behind the barn.

A few men had run over to help the doc get his jacket off and a sigh of relief had escaped the doc's mouth when he saw what he had seen.

"You're one lucky son of a bitch Corporal, look at the entry wound you two, his rib stopped the bullet." Eddie had said.

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