Chapter 16

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A/N: So two things dears. Number one, 200+ READS! OH YEAH! Also, this chapter has 3 time skips, so that I could fit all my idea into one chapter so you don't get all bored and stop reading. There is also a little bit of drama, and an OOC L. Have fun! EXTRA LONG! (that's what he said XD)


-Kiko POV-

I'm in his arms again and that's all that matters. Our lips meet and it's like he was never gone. Light coughs awkwardly and I hug him, earning a death glare from the blonde girl who was with them.

"You can let go of him now," says the blonde, bitchiness filling her voice.

I put just as much attitude in my voice "Honey, he's my cousin, not my boyfriend. L is my boyfriend," I say, rapping my arms around his pale waist. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to the room we shared last time he was here.

-2 days of fluff, smut and general romancing later-

"BYE L! BYE LIGHT! BYE MISA!" I shout as Watari drives away. I go back inside to the room I share with Matt and Mello and type random words on m laptop.

-6 long, boring months later-

I'm sitting in my room, bored out of my mind when Roger comes in and asks for me and Mello to follow him. He kisses Matt and then we follow him. On the way we get that awkward sheep-boy, Near. When we get to Roger's office he starts to talk, a grim expression on his face.

"I'm sad to say that the detective known as L has been killed by Kira. I know this may be hard to comprehend but-" Roger was cut off by Mello's fist slamming into a wall


I just collapse to the floor, numb inside. I'm vaguely aware of Mello and Sheep-Boy arguing. I'm only moved to my feet by Mello storming out. I run down the hall, chasing Mello. By the time I get to my room Mello has a duffel bag half full of his stuff. Matt is doing everything in his power to stop him, but to no avail.

"Matt, stop, it doesn't matter what you do or say, I'm leaving," Mello says, zipping up the duffel bag.

"Mello, stop-" I'm cut off by Mello.

"No Kiko, YOU stop. You just.. don't underst-"

I cut him off mid-word "I don't understand what? The pain of losing L? The pain of losing the only person I have ever loved? Is THAT what I don't understand Mello?" I say, angry at Mello.

Mello starts to leave, but Matt wraps his arms around his waist. Mello dislodges him and walks out. Matt sinks to the ground in defeat, and I sit on the floor and cry myself to sleep.

-2 tear-filled years later-

Matt and I got to LA about a month ago. We found an apartment for very cheap, and we just got settled 2 weeks ago. It's 7:00 am so I figure it's time to get up. I get dressed and do my hair and makeup. I gently wake Matt up, and he gets ready for the day. We eat breakfast, and then go out to walk around. Were at a mall when my phone rings. The ringtone stops my heart. It's "Savior" by Rise Against. I pick it up, hesitantly.

"Hello?" I say, secretly hoping that L's voice responds, but knowing he won't.

"KIKO?" says a surprised yet still extremely familiar voice.

My brain places the voice immediately "MELLO?" I shout causing Matt to whip around.

"Did you piss off the mafia?" Mello asks.

"Not that I know of, why? Also, how did you get L's phone?" I ask.

"Because my boss told me to call this number with this phone..." Mello says, avoiding something.

"Well, where the hell are you?" I say, now exited.

"Turn around. OOF!" Mello says, being tackled.

I turn around and see Matt kissing Mello. I rush at them and wrap them in a big bear hug I ask him who his boss is. He responds by pointing at a red car. We get in and Mello drives to a creepy warehouse. We go in and it looks like a mafia base. On a big leather armchair is L. I start to rush at him when suddenly some girl hooks herself to him and starts kissing all over. I turn and walk away with tears in my eyes. I run out the door, with L calling orders to stop me. I run as fast as I can, ignoring L's voice calling my name behind me.


"What the hell just happened? Stop her! NOW!" I shout, panicked.

Kiko had just seen a random girl kiss all over me. "I had told them to stay away from me for a reason!" I exclaim, running after Kiko. I shout her name over and over but she ignores me. I catch up to her, and turn her to face me. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying.

"L, please just let me go," Kiko says, struggling against me.

"Please just listen. I told them to keep away from me because I was engaged to you. I always thought of you. I wanted to see you, but I knew I couldn't. I love you. 2 1/2 years didn't change that. 1000 years couldn't change that. I still remember everything about you. I remember how your lips taste like watermelon lip gloss and peppermint candy. I remember how your hair falls in your face when you sleep. I remember how soft your hair is, no matter what. I also remember how hard it is to be away from you and how hard it is for me to sleep without your lightly snoring figure in my arms. I love-" I'm cut off by Kiko's lips pressed against mine. Her lips are slightly salty from her tears but otherwise taste exactly the same. Mello sees us and tell the men that the problem has been resolved. Kiko smiles against my lips and says "I guess it has,". We walk to Mello's car and sit on the hood. We just stare at the sunset, until I hear the trunk slam

"L, were going home. Ronald is the boss now," Mello says, getting in the car, with Matt close behind. we get in the backseat and I can feel Kiko's head on my shoulder. I face her and she moves to kiss me. One kiss heats up fast, and we are about to tear off each others clothes, when we get to the apartment.

"Were here, now get a damn room!" Mello says, half joking. I pick Kiko up bridal style and carry her to the apartment Matt leads us to. Kiko takes me to the kitchen where I see a cake on the counter. Kiko loves to bake, so it doesn't surprise me. I eat it very quickly and notice Kiko staring off into space and sitting on the counter. I take some of the leftover whipped cream on my plate an put it on the tip of her nose. She wipes it off and puts it on my lips. She kisses it away, and we just can't seem to stop. Matt comes in and says the kitchen isn't the room he meant, and we are ordering Chinese food. I order General Tso's chicken and Kiko gets sesame shrimp. She leads me o her room and we start making out again. Kiko has discarded my shirt when Mello comes in and tells us food has arrived. I walk out without putting on my shirt. We get our food and I put my head in Kiko's lap. She plays with my hair while Matt puts on "Safe Haven". Kiko's hand goes limp halfway through the movie and I hear her snore slightly. I smile to myself and focus on the movie. At the end I sit up and see Matt and Mello shirtless and making out. I leave before anymore clothes are removed. Halfway to her room Kiko wakes up, and when we get there, she changes into my shirt. She then starts kissing me and we make love for the first time in two and a half years.


So, this took me two days to draft, so you better like it. JK I STILL LOVE YOU! MxM story update coming soon. BAI!

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