Chapter 3

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RECAP: Ryuzaki and Kiko were investigating footage of Kira gliding away then after touching a peice of paper found on the balcony where Ryuzaki is staying they could see a huge monster


Ryuzaki and I stared at the television that had the footage on it.  No amount of shaking our heads or rubbing our eyes made it go away.  The huge beast stayed on the screen.  "I told you to get some sleep.  This is why sleep is good.  So large demons don't apear on your tv," I jokingly tell Ryuzaki.   He just stares at me with his neutral expression.  After a bit of akward silence, I pulled out my laptop.   I laid on my stomach and put on youtube.  My headphones went on and I put on my playlist of songs that I listen to around Ryuzaki.  I'm lost in the music when Ryuzaki taps me on the shoulder.  I get embarrassed because I was making a drawing of him and I.  He thankfully didn't notice and I  took off my headphones and asked what was up.  " If Kira is out in public there is a 93% chance of this "Ryuk"  being with him. if we frequent places Kira, or as he is known to most as Light, also frequents then we can aprehend him and have the police touch this paper so they know he is Kira," he says.  I look confused and he just smiles like he does whenever I have no clue what is going on.  He offers me to stay with him qnd I accept.  "Kiko, given we spend very much time together,  I believe that there is a 13% chance I am falling for you,"  Ryuzaki stated.  I blink, confused.  " So what you're saying is there is a slight chance that you might... love... me?"  I ask, my heart racing.   He simply nods.  I blink and see Ryuzaki with his thumb in his mouth.  "You're thinking about  something.   C'mon Panda, tell me what is on that wild brain of yours," I say teasingly.  " I AM NOT A PANDA!  I AM THE WORLD'S GREATEST DECTECTIVE! I AM L!" he exclaimed.   I looked at him and then laughed. "I'm going out.  Do you need anything?" I ask.  " Panda Crackers!  And sugar cubes," Ryuzaki says.  "CANNIBAL!" I yell as I leave. "Still not a PANDA!" he says.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~After Kiko Returns~~~~~~~~~~

Ryuzaki is nibbling on pandas and stacks sugar while I get ready to go to bed. "Night Ryuzaki," I say in my borrowed shirt. " Goodnight Kiko.  The possibility of me loving you is up to 64%, " he says as nonchalantly as he would to ask for more cake.  I go to sleep with the smell of cake and strawberries surrounding me. I wake up with Ryuzaki's arm draped protectivly around me.  "You smell like cherries.   It's a very pleasant smell, " he said with his nose in my hair.  " And also you mumble in your sleep. 92% now as well, " he says to my hair.   I blush and turn around to face my panda man.  I see the slightest bit of red dusting his pale cheeks.  I brush his wild hair out of his eyes only to be lost in those dark spheres.   I move in closer to him and the next thing I know his sugary lips are on mine and Ryuzaki and I are locked into a passion filled kiss.




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