Chapter 10

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RECAP: L attempted suicide, but he talked to Mello and then Mello called Kiko and she rushed to Wammy's and saved L and they made up!


A/N: Yes, Mello was the hero.  L was that depressed over losing Kiko.  It was a bit dark, but the show and the manga were very dark at points.  When Light made Naomi Misora kill herself, and it showed her slowly walking away and it faded to a staircase with a noose, I got the chills, and I have them now just from writing it.  This chapter, Kiko and L will be all couple-y and things get a little intense.  Nothing rated R, because that is just nasty.  Not saying it won't happen but I'm not gonna describe it in detail.  I'm not a creeper or a pervert.  So with this kinda long A/N, I say READ ON MY LOVLIES!!!


                                                                            -~Kiko POV~-

I can't shake the image of L's pale arms covered in blood, so I decide to walk around Wammy's.  I have to thank Mello anyway.  I turn down a hallway and see him.  "Mello, I just wanted to say thank you so much.  If it wasn't for you L would have bled to death, or worse.  I don't know what I would do without him," I say, hugging Mello.  I start crying out of nowhere, and Mello stands there and comforts me until I calm down.  I go back to my room and sit on the bed.  The bloody sheets sit in the corner, as do the clothes that got covered.  I sit there, with L sleeping behind me.  His light breathing is comforting to me, and I don't notice when he wakes up.  His arms wrap around my waist,  pulling me close.  He whispers a million things in my ear.  I lean into him, absentmindedly playing with the edge of his bandages.  He turns me towards him and I lay my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat.  He lifts my face towards his and kisses me.  Our lips move in sync and before we know it, we are lying down, still kissing.  We are interrupted when Matt, Near, and Mello all tackle him.  They all saw him carrying the knife and pills.  L mentioned that if hadn't showed up, he would be dead.  The three boys began to tackle me.  They thanked me for saving their mentor and idol. 

                                                                               -~L POV~-

When I see Kiko with tears in her eyes because of the boys' praise,  I mentaly thank them for making her this happy.  Things may have been getting a bit intimate, but if it  wasn't for Mello in particular, i would be dead and cold and Kiko would be...empty, broken, and hurt.  I would ahve taken something she cherished from her.  Her reaction to seeing me like I was is proof.   I swore to myself I would never argue with her again.    I loved her too much to hurt her.  I didn't even notice when the three boys left and Kiko and I were alone again.  Kiko putting her head in my lap, is what brought me back to reality.  Her beautiful smile, was directed at me and I ran my fingers through her hair.  She set her hand on my heart and just smiled.  I laid down next her and l pulled her to me.  I began to kiss the top of her head, when she brought her lips to mine.  We were quickly back to where we were before we were interupted.  I began to slowly move my lips down her neck, and to her collarbone. I bit it softly, and she gave a soft yelp. I moved back to her lips, and began to kiss her as I should have when she was leaving.  I began to to lift her shirt, and looked into her eyes, asking for permission,  and she moved up to my ear and whispered a quiet  yes.

                      (A/N: TOLD YOU!! But, that is as far as I'm going with that.  Still L POV)

We lie with our arms around each other and our legs are intertwined. Her electric blue hair was sprawled out all around her.  She is lightly sleeping, so I disentangle myself and get in the shower. I get out and then go into the room.  Kiko is jst barely waking up and her hair is disheveled and she smiles.  I throw one of my shirts at her, and she puts it on then pads to the bathroom.  I got dressed, then went to tell the others goodbye.   When i got back Kiko was sitting dressed on the bed. I told her we were leaving and she said goodbye to the others. We sat on the plane and kissed more.  I would never get tired of her lips.  They were soft and full and sweet.  When we landed, I took her home, and as we were kissing goodbye, she pulled me inside and the rest... well it happened how it did. ;)


AWWWW THE LOVE IS AMAZING!! YAAAAY!  So that's all for today my lovlies!  I will update tomarrow, as usaul, and until then read on!

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