Chapter 9

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RECAP: L and Kiko had a huge fight because Kiko found out that Kira is her cousin and refused to stop talking to him.

***************************************************************************************************************       A/N: SO this chapter is gonna be crazy. L is gonna lose it and Kiko will be all heroic and save the day.  ENOUGH SPOILERS! Read on my dears. Also I HATE SILENT READERS!!! VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When I woke up, my head hurt like hell and I look like a mess.  The events of last night hit me like a brick wall.  Kiko's betrayed look still haunted me.  Those beautiful green eyes filled with so much hurt.  And it was all my fault.  I dial her number repeatedly and she never picks up.  I lose all hope in seeing her ever again.  Watari set cake down by me and I don't even eat it.  I just stare at it, unable to move.  I walk over to my room.  I throw all of my things into a bag.  Watari drives me to the airport.  I fly to Wammy's house. I run into the room that I slept in during my last stay.  I lie face down on the bed until I feel something jabbing me in the stomach.  It was the video camera Mello and Matt were using.  I threw it at the door just as Mello opened it.  "WHAT THE HELL!  I JUST CAME TO CHECK ON YOU! Oh my god what am I doing I did not mean to yell at you L!" Mello said.  I forgave him and wrote Kiko's number down on a piece of paper. "Call this number, but only after I'm gone.  Tell her that I always loved her and was sorry.  Also tell her she is the smartest person I have ever met.. She is also the one choosing my successor," I say.  "L, I don't like the way you're talking.  Are you sure you don't need me to call her now?" Mello asks, concerned. "JUST GO! NOW!" I shout.  Mello runs and I exit the room.  I gather what I needed and entered that room for the last time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kiko POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I hated him.  I always had issues with my intelligence, because Light was a super-genius.  I never wanted to be second to anyone.  I thought L regarded me as an equal, but he thought I was stupid, just like everyone else.  My phone played his ringtone a million times and I ignored it every time.  I wandered around my house aimlessly just staring into space.  Hours passed, then my phone played "I Don't Wanna Die", which meant that the number was unknown.  "Hello? Who are you and how did you get my number?" I asked. "It's Mello, the kid who videotaped you and L kissing.  This is important.  L is here at Wammy's and I'm scared.  He was talking about 'after he's gone' and was using past tense.  Then I saw him with a big knife and a bunch of pills.  You need to get here. Now.  I will stall him, and when you are outside Wammy's, call this number.  I will let you in.  Hurry!" Mello said urgently.  The phone went dead, and I wasted no time.  I threw a bag together, grabbed my passport and keys and drove like hell for the airport.  I got on a flight to England.  I then rented a car and sped to Wammy's.  I called Mello, and five minutes later he was opening the gate.  We ran down the halls like crazy people, knocking down several children along the way.  I burst into the room Mello led me to and saw L with tears on his face and blood everywhere.  The sheets, his shirt, the knife he was methodically moving across his bloody arms.  I ran in the room and got the knife from his hands.  Then I hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry.  I should have stayed.  I should have apologized. I should have picked up.  I'm so sorry. I love you. I love you so much," I say, crying in his arms.  My clothes were getting ruined, but I didn't care.  I was just happy to see the man I loved alive.  "I love you too Kiko. 100%. I should have told you earlier, but I was scared.  I'm sorry," L said, stroking my back.  We took him down to the medical bay and the nurse stitched him up.  His arms had bandages, but I didn't care.  He was ok.  He was alive.  And I loved him


So, that was chapter 9.  Emotions galore!  Yay Mello for calling Kiko and telling her to come fast!  Yay Kiko for forgiving him!  Yay me for not crying!  As always, Vote, Add, and Comment!  See you tomorrow!

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