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I follow who I'm guessing is Katelyn to a table located in a far corner. Perfect.

She motions me to sit, I do so, and she gets a menu from her apron, giving it to me with a grin.

"What would you like to drink? Milkshake, a fresh cup of coffee?"

"J-just water, please."

"Alright! That water will be right out for you."

I wave as she leaves, looking down to the cleaned off table I sit at.

Who are you?

A nobody.

Go die.

Nobody cares.

I try shaking out the thoughts, feeling a buzz in my pocket. I grab my phone, looking to what the buzz was for.

New text message from Aaron, my only friend.

Hey. What's up?

Oh. Just escaped my house of terror and came to iHop. You?

Meh. Just at home. The usual. BTW, what is happening with your dad? 😞

Same old.

Sounds fun.


Aphmau, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that stupid jerk.

Eh. Its okay. Not like you could do anything to help. Your all the way in Florida.

You're* It's*

Oh, shut up.

Can't help it. Hey, I got to go. TTYL?

Sure. Bye, Aaron.


I put my phone away, feeling a small blush brush lightly to my face.

If only Aaron could be here with me.

"Here you go Ma'am! You ready to order?"

I jump, looking up to Katelyn.

"Yeah...um, Raspberry White Chocolate Chip Pancakes with two strips of hickory smoked bacon."

"On it! We hopefully will have your dish ready in a few minutes!"


She walks off, and I see her smile immediately wipe right off her face.

I've never been a talkative person while my mother was dead. Honestly, I am just a sad emo with no friends, aside from Aaron.

I get up from my seat, needing to go to the bathroom.

I begin walking when a werewolf's tail runs into me, knocking me over. My hands slam into the ground, shifting one of my elbows into a painful direction.


"Ein, it's like, so dumb! You're just, I'm just! It makes no sense, bro!" My 'friend', Klouse, talks with his hands, his voice sounding way off point.

My tail whips right and left, and I feel my tail run into a body.

"Oh my Irene!" I whip myself around and my figure tenses, me seeing a young looking girl, raven hair, carmel eyes, pale peach skin, on the floor.

I knocked her down.

"Are you okay?!"

"Ahh..." She lifts her hands out in front of her face, one of her elbows looking out of place.

I lift her up, whipping my tail into Klouse.

I lead her outside, not wanting any attention drawn to her, she looks like that type.

I lead her to a bench hidden and close to iHop, putting her down on it.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah...?" She sounds in pain.

I look down to her elbow, seeing a bandage on her hand. I shrug it off, looking back up to her eyes.

"I'm so, so, so, so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! Is there any way I can help?"

"No, really, it's fine..." She avoids my eyes.

"Take off your hood."

She looks at me and slaps me across the face with her good arm, backing away.

"No way!" Voice crack.

"Ow! I didn't mean it that way!" I rub my face.

"Oh...I'm sorry. I'm not used to being near people..."

"It's okay..."

"Why should I take off my hood?"

"So you can elevate it. That hoodie is in the way."

"I-I'm fine..."

She looks down, pulling at her sleeves.

I hear leaves crunch then heavy breathing behind me. I turn and see a blunette and a meif'wa.

"We heard someone got hurt?!" The blunette pants.

"Yeah, this-"

"No! I'm fine!"

"Kawaii~Chan thinks Costumer~Chan looks hurt!"

"Once again, I'm fine..!"

I look to Aphmau, her looking uncomfortable and a bright blush brushed on her face.

"She's fine. We're just...hanging out."

"See, I told you Kawaii~Chan! Nothing was wrong!"

"Kawaii~Chan thought so!"

My lips purse in confusion and I look back to the raven haired girl.

"T-thanks for what you j-just did back there..."

"No problem," I smile shyly, "my name is Ein, if you were wondering."


"That's a unique name. I-I like it."

"Really? T-thanks."

"Now, back to your arm...c-can I take a look at it?"


"Please? Just a small look?"

"I'm fine, really. I probably just shifted it out of place." She looks down.

"Maybe we should get you back inside to your table. At least let me help you with that..."

"F-fine. Only because, y-you seem nice..."

"Alright then. Let's go..."

°Sticks And Stones ↭ Einmau AU°Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora