No where to run

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Luka Pov.

I heard somebody yelling, and it snapped me out of my hypnotic state. 

I looked around to see a very naked Trace and an also very beat up Aj.  I shifted ignoring the rogue who still looked scared, and ran over to Aj, dropping once I got to her side.

" I'm so sorry Aj, I shouldv'e been watching you."  And our surroundings, I wanted to add, but felt this wasn't the right time, nor place for that.

She smiled faintly, " It's not your fau-" Her body buckled, then she went still.

No no no no no......

I picked up her limp body and started to walk away when I heard a growl from behind me, I don't have time for this shit!

" Look, I don't have time to FUCK around and kick your flee bitten ass!  Unlike you and your dead rogue buddy's, I actually have someone," I looked at Trace who was looking at me with intrest to see what I was gonna say," people, to look after. Now, you can either leave, and pray to the Moon Goddess that I never see your scrawny ass again, or you can come with us and we'll figure out what the pack wants to do with you?"  He just stared at me and didn't move.

LUKA! We don't have time for this!  Look at her!

I did as she said, Aj was growing pale, she was also losing body heat way too fast.

'Trace, watch him, I have to do something, to help he-'

'Gotcha, don't worry. I'll take him to the pack house.'  She gave me a small encoraging smile.

She shifted, then pushed me forward, then beckoning the rogue to follow. When he looked back at me, then at Aj in my arms, and I growled,  he quickly followed Trace.

I believe I may be able to help her, but if we do it wrong, we could injure if not kill oursel Cynder started, but I cut her off.

I don't care! Just help me help her! 

A single tear ran down my cheek, I slowly and carefully placed Aj on the ground. She whimpered quietly, but that was all. 

So, what do I do?

Okay,  find her bond... It is in your head, it's in you. When you accepted to become her Luna, part of her was added to you, and part of you was added into her.  Find her, not the others, her inparticular

I squeezed my eyes shut and looked, I thought of the mind link, various colors popped into my head. There was, pink, , green, yellow, brown, a dark blue, a orange, a beautifully glowing silvery/white, and gold. The last two were closer together than the others, one was  a bright blazing red and the other was a faintly glowing red, like a candles fire about to go out in the wind, it kept flicking in and out, Aj's.

Okay, what now.

Push the others away, pull her's closer. Now picture it blazing, like a roaring fire, give her, a little of our life force, not all, but enough to heal and bring her back.

I did, a little pain came from my gut, slowly growing bigger, covering my whole body. Suddenly Winter and Cynder came.

It's alright little one, we're here to help.

Be strong push past the pain.

I did as they both said, but the pain was so overwhelming, my body started to shake.

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