First shift

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I stood frozen in fear. My mother was the one to grab me and shake me until I snapped out of it.

" Luka, you have to leave. There's nothing you can do. I'm sending you with Jacob. He's going to take you to one of the neighboring Packs. You stay there. Me and your father will come for you. If we can. Me and your father both love you." She looked around frantically. 

" Luke, come here. Your going with Luka and  Jacob. No questions.  Jacob! Take them to the..... Mountain Crest Pack. Tell them Luna Kelly of the Timberland Valley Pack asks them of this one favor. Protect her babys." She let's one tear fall before she shifts.

She growled and attacked a rogue sneaking up behind us.

" Luke, Luka I'm going to shift. You two have to get on my back. Alright?" We both nodded.

He shifted to his bigger than average wolf that was a salt and pepper color. I got on first then Luke. He took off when we had both latched on to his fur.

We sped past the battle. I saw friends and family dead or dieing on the ground.  I saw some kill one to have 3 more attack it.

"Just look down Luka. It'll be alright." Said Luke trying to calm me.

I did as he said.

After awhile I looked up. We were in clear forests. But I could still hear whines and cries. I looked back. I saw giant roaring flame slowly growing smaller.

" No.."I whisper. I hurriedly look forward.  Trying to erase the image, when I heard a snap, then a sharp pain shot through me.

I lost my grip and tumbled to the ground.

"LUKA!" Yelled Luke then he jumped off of Jacob who was running back to me. He shifted and put on a pair of shorts I haven't seen him caring.

"CRAP!  She's shifting." Another SNAP was audible to both of them in the quieter clearing.

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Jacob Pov. ( Luka & Luke's uncle)

"Luke, come hold her down." I said as Luka buckled.

When Luke didn't come I looked at him. But he wasn't there.

"Luke!" I heard a muffled groan. I looked under a near by bush. "SHIT!"

Their both shifting.  I forgot the were going to shift on the same night.  I dragged Luke over to where Luka was.

Looks like I'll have to wait this out.

SNAP.  I looked  into the shadows. That wasn't the twins bones snapping. That was a branch or a twig.

I shifted. And growled. Giving what ever it was the hint to back the Fuck off. I wasn't letting my sister down without a fight.

Two or three growls answered me. Shit.

A  dirty rogue stepped forward. It smelled of blood and garbage. I growled and put my head low and snarled. I slowly inched towards the twins.

Suddenly something  tackled me from the side, knocking the wind out of me. 

It didn't do anything it just held me down. It was a leopard. The other thing was a hyena. It laughed. Or did what sounded like a hyena laugh.

The rogue pulled Luke forward. What were they- I shifted. Pushing at the leopard.

" NO! Don't kill them! Kill me instead.  LET THEM GO!"

The hyena and the Leopard switch spots. The hyena digging it's blunt claws into my shoulder.

The Leopard walked over to Luke.  It looked at me as it put it's paw on his throat. I begged with my eyes.

The Leopard stared at me as it dug

it's claws into his throat. "NO! YOU SICK BASTARD!  He was just a boy! "

The Leopard looked at the hyena and nodded. The hyena bit down on my neck crushing my windpipe.

._. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _. _.   Luka Pov.

I heard Jacob struggle for a moment then got limp. The hyena laughed.

They all looked at me now. I gulped. Another SNAP.  I think it was my left leg, maybe my right l. I was on the brink of consciousness. I didn't know.

As they closed in I closed my eyes. Suddenly there was a boom. I opened my eyes, everything was foggy. Something grabbed my waist and ran. Slowly putting me in the bridal position in the process.

That's all I remember be for passing out. That and a very faint tingling going through my body. But i gave in and welcomed the darkness with open arms.



I'm going to need some new characters for the next few chapters. So if u guys want to give me some names and what they look like I would appreciate it.  If not then I shall do it by myself. 

Hope you guys enjoyed. -BattleAlpha

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