Saint Lupus Pack

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As I walked out I tried to go to Blade ' s room but I couldn't find it.

I was searching when I ran into Aj I believe.

"THERE YOU ARE. I have been looking for you. I, we, were wondering if you would want to join our little... pack? We would all love for you to... and Amy will have to get used to it." She asked shyly.

Say yes. We're going to need all the help we can get.

AND they all seem like kind people. And Amy is just an ego maniac.

"Um... we would love to. l-"Aj yanked me forward by me wrist.

" Where are we going?"

"To the ceremony... that's where you become linked with all of us. So we can talk to each other through our MINDS."

She said "minds" in a spooky voice.

" Oh." Was all I said as I was dragged through halls.

" Found her!" We entered the living room I guessed since there was a flat screen and a couch with a matching love seat and a recliner.

"She agreed too!" She squeaked happily.

The room was full of smiles. Except for Amy who was in the corner of the room.

"Well, let's get this thing started. Please give me your hand. Luka. None of us have done this before. We were just a Pack of rogues. With doing this we will become a ordered pack. "

" .. why now then?"

"Because,  we didn't have a couple to become Alpha's before... now we do. So do you accept the responsibility of becoming Alphas? This doesn't mean rushing you two into anything. Just being our leaders."

They all looked at me with hopeful expressions.

"I do,  if you do."I looked at Blade as he spoke. He was studying me closely.

"Then... we accept." They all smiled.

" Hmm... what should our pack be called. Deep Forrest pack?"

They named off some more names. But none of them sounded correct.

"Saint Lupus..."I whispered mainly to myself.

"YES! That's it. Saint Lupus."

"Very nice. The Latin word for Wolf."

"Now that that's taken care of, everyone give me your hand. "

He took one hand at a time and he pulled a silver knife from a clothe on the coffee table.

He cut a little slit in everyone's palm.

Mine was the next. I gave him my hand.The silver burned but I ignored the burning sensation.

"Ok. Everyone,  squeeze some blood into your palm. Now Luka, Blade. Squeeze yours on top of eveyone elses." We did as he said.

Some gasped while others eyes widened.

Suddenly a tingly sensation went through me. I felt a rush of power.

Winter howled.

Woah. I have so much energy. I wanna go for a run!

'I agree. Haha. It's Tracy... I'm in your head!' I quickly blocked her out.

"Well. Who else wants to go for a run. Strengthen Pack bonds?" They all nodded.

I walked out of the sliding glass door.

Blade shifted first. He had a beautiful dark gray and white wolf. He barked and I shifted also.

They all stared at me. They looked a little frightened.  So I let my tongue loll out and I plopped onto the ground and barked happily.

The laughed and shifted also.

Amy into her sandy brown wolf. Tracy was a brown and white wolf. Triston had a gray and brown wolf.

Aj and Anthony's wolf were identical except for Aj had gray eyes while Anthony had green eyes. Both of their wolves were red and white.

Damion was white with brown flects. Jessy was a brown wolf with black stripes.

Kale was the last to shift. He was a pepper and white wolf.

I yipped. Then trotted into the woods.

'Let's set up borders. ' Said Blade in my head.

'I agree, two come with me, two go with Kale and the rest go with Blade.' Aj and Tracy came with me.

We went strait. We found a large river and swam through. 

We ran for a while, loving the feeling of the wind in our fur. I started to rub on a tree when I felt we were far enough to have a reasonable sized territory.  I heard a yelp.

I turned around but only Tracy was there looking around wildly.  I sniffed the air . A rotten stench burned my nose.

'Aj!?!' Called Tracy through the mind link.

' the others. I'll be back.' I said then followed Aj's scent.

I will not let my new family slip through my fingers like my last one did. I will fight for them this time. I'm not helpless like before.

Someone will have a very bloody death I'd Aj is hurt.

Winter and Cynder growled in agreement. 


This is longer then the other ones. hope you enjoyed.

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