Heart Attack

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Luka pov.

I had to paw at the door for a moment to open it. Once I got it open his eyes flew toward me.

He looked confused, probably because I wasn't in human form. Then a faint smile played on his lips. I gave him a wolfish grin.

"So...you actually don't know how to shift back?" He asked laughing.

Yeah, and neither does my wolf.

Hey now. That's not my fault.

Then who's fault is it?

She remained quiet. Me and Cynder laughed at her.

I noticed Blade get up and come closer. "Go into the bathroom." I listened and backed up. He then shut the door.

Our mate is such a gentle men.

Oh shush you wet lump of fur.

I then blocked their bickering out and listened to Blade.

"Are you ready?" I didn't know how to reply so I barked. I heard him laugh and my heart swelled.

"Okay, just picture yourself standing on two legs. Imagine what you look like. Your hair, anything. Now, try it."

I did as he said. I felt a slight pull in my tummy. Then my bones started to pop. But it wasn't pain full like before. It tickle actually.  Having my fur recede back probably felt the oddest.

I looked at myself in the mirror in the bathroom. My hair was longer than the last time that I looked at it in my ro-.  I choked up and all most broke down right there and then.

Come'n honey. Pull it together.  Your a fighter. You can do it.

Winter, let her be. She just lost everything she's ever known. You can shed tears. But only for good reasons. We'll let you be. Just let us know if you need anything.

Thank you both.

"Are you okay?"I jumped hearing Blades voice. I forgot he was here.

I cleared my throat.  "Yes." But it was still hoarse.

"I'm going to get a shower first." Wow, how long was I out.

"Ok. I'll wait out here." He said again. I think I may have heard disappointment in his voice but I just carried on.

I turned the shower on hot. Wanting to wash all the dirt off of myself and be squeaky clean.

"Where's the towels and wash clothes?" I ask shyly. I feel like I'm being a burden to him.

"Their in the top right shelf."He said kindly.

"Thanks."I grab a plush dark red towel and a matching wash clothe.

I hopped in the shower and almost moaned.

I wouldn't do that If I were you.

Why not?

Because of Blade. He's our mate.

She said in a matter of fact tone.

WHAT! Why didn't you say so earlier?

Because I wanted to surprise you. And I didn't want you to make a fool of yourself. 

Thanks, so I get to make a fool of myself in human form.

Anytime sunshine.

She said in a overly sarcastic voice.

I washed and did my buis then got out and dried. I looked at the clothes he had gotten me.

It was a black T shirt that said Void. Must be a band. I put it on.WOW. Blade must have really big shoulders.


What the fuck?

I then blocked her out. The pants he got me were like 3 sizes too big. But i just tied them up.

Oh my. I look like a hobo. I laughed out loud.

"What?"Asked Blade.

I opened the door and looked at him. I saw him try to contain his laughter as he looked me over.

"I look like a hobo!"That's when he lost it, he fell off of his bed and on the floor. I started laughing at him because he fell.  After about 5 minutes we were both on the floor crying.

After about another 10 minutes we both sobered up.

He hopped up and walked over and offered my a large hand. Which I took. Those tingles ran through my arm. I stared at it.

"Mine."I looked at him and his gray eyes had turned a silver color.

That's Snipe.


His wolf. His name is Snipe.


"Um... nice to meet you Snipe. " I say with a smile

"You know my name?" He asked cocking his head to one side.

"Yes. Winter just told me..."He smiled when I said her name.

"Well I'm, we are both very happy to finally meet you two." He said then his eyes went back to gray.

"Blade?" He was still looking at me with the same expression.

"Yep. So, what's your name?"

" Luka, Luka Saint. "

"Oh, as Snipe said. I'm also very happy to finally meet you." I blushed slightly.

He laughed lightly.

He then cleared his throat. "So, I'm going to go find you some smaller clothes then we can talk some more." He smiled and I almost gasped. It was a breathtaking smile.

I smiled back.

"Be back in a minute,  Luka." He said. Testing the word in his mouth. My heart skipped a few beats right then.

"Ok." I said a little winded.

He opened the door and left.

I sat on his bed. I only met the guy 15 minutes ago and I've already almost had a heart attack!

This is gonna be fun!

Shut up.


Hope you guys enjoyed.  Haha.  bye

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