2 Months later

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Well, nothing has really changed in the past couple of months. Well except for everyone getting ready for the summer barbecue.

  It's going to be on my birthday, June 30th. Which is a Monday.  But living in a Pack where my dad is the Alpha has many benefits.  Because if dad says, there's no school, THEN THERE'S NO SCHOOL.

It's Saturday today. So 2 days till my birthday! I can't wait! I wonder what my wolf will look like. I wonder if my wolf will be nice. Or kinda pushy.

I'm kinda nervous about the shift. I heard that it's painful. But I know no one will let anything  happen. And I love them all for that.

I was swimming in the pool alone. Think this through and through. And suddenly there was a giant splash behind me. I jumped about 4 feet out of the pool

then hurriedly turned around.

Luke's head popped up first then Clayton. Then Gretch and Amy jumped in.

"Holly fuck balls! Are you guys trying to give me a heart attack." They all gave me wet smiling.

" Haha, sorry sis. You looked so lost in thought. We couldn't help it. " He said laughing.

"What ever, so, are you guys as exited I am about the barbecue? " I ask exitedly.

" Well obviously!  I can hardly wait! I want it to be now..... do you know if your dad was inviting any of the nearby packs?" Asked Gretch.

"No, he just wants it to be close friends and family." I said and smiled.

After that we all just swam and played in the pool, until it started to become dark.

I looked up at the darkening sky. "It looks like my bedtime. " Said Gretch.

We all laughed and said night. " Well , I'm gonna go too. Night. See you guys tomorrow." I said and waved good night.

After I took my black and blue bikini off and took a shower to wash the chlorine off. I stepped out and dried myself off and put on my blue fluffy pj pants and a tank top on and settled down in my full sized bed. And I turned my Pandora on off of my TV.  Hey, I think everyone needs music while going to sleep.

And I thought about the following days. IM SO FREAKING EXCITED!  And with that note I fell into a fitful and warm sleep.

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