Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Reanna, explain yourself this instant!" Linus demanded, looking between her and the two daughters that were blocking the door.

A few people tried to move towards the exit. Larissa gave them all a look. It wasn't an angry one. It was more...pouty. The sort of look that had the men stopping in their tracks as their hearts threatened to burst from their chest. It stopped them from trying to force herself or Nat to move out of the way.

"Princess, please," the temple keeper beseeched Reanna. "This is consecrated ground. You cannot draw blood before the gods in this manner."

"So long as he cooperates, there won't be any more blood drawn," Reanna said calmly, gently straightening out her skirt.

"Reanna!" Melania snapped, coming down from the seats. "What have you done?!"

"What I needed to do," she replied calmly. "Cadmus is the one who kidnapped Andy, and he is forcing me to marry him in exchange for her life."

Her parents started in surprise as the collected lords and ladies broke out into more mutters. Reanna allowed the sound to carry around her as she crossed her arms and faced her parents confidently. Not yet a queen, but never only princess.

Linus broke from his surprise first. He shook his head and clenched his fists. "Reanna, do you know how serious an accusation that is?"

"I do."

"Then do you have any proof of this claim?"

She frowned. "I do not. Not outside of my own testimony. He told me that he was the one who took Andy. He's threatened her to my face."

Linus let out a long breath. "Reanna, the witness testimony of the one bringing up charges is not sufficient to declare his guilt in this matter. Even if it weren't just you, Cadmus is a prince. You cannot accuse him of high treason and kidnapping of the royal family with only the word of others. You need substantial proof."

"Yes, and when I find Andy, I'll have your proof. In order to find her, though, he has to tell me where he's hidden her."

"Your majesty!" Cadmus called out, writhing on the ground. "Please, you must help me!"

"For Oceane's sake, Reanna!" Melania gasped. "Allow the boy up. Call off the lion."

"I will not. Cadmus, tell me where she is or else."

"For the record," Aurelius growled softly, "I've always wanted to rip your arms off."

"Who said that?" Melania asked, her and Linus turning their heads quickly.

Reanna saw the temple keeper frown at Aurelius. She ignored them all as she walked around to stand at Aurelius' side, petting his mane gently.

"Talk, Cadmus. It's now your only hope for survival."

He struggled for another moment against Aurelius' weight. He tried kicking up, but he couldn't get enough momentum to do much damage to Aurelius' thick, heavy body. Cadmus dropped back to the ground, panting and grimacing in pain. Aurelius had his front paws pinning down the prince's arms and the weight alone was heavy enough to bruise.

Cadmus looked around first. Trying to weigh his options. The king and queen were too scared of Aurelius to move forward. None of the guards had come into the holy temple. The temple keepers wouldn't interfere, neither would the lords and ladies. Now that Reanna had declared his guilt, there would be an investigation into the matter.

Too late now.

He gave her an evil sort of smile that made her stomach sink and tighten. "I had no idea that you thought so little of your sister that you'd allow her to die, Reanna."

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