Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Reanna slept next to Aurelius in the garden that night. They didn't steal more than a few kisses because neither of them were up to doing more than that after their flight and fight through the Black Woods. And though Reanna fell asleep with her head on his shoulder, her skirt covering his bare legs because he had removed his trousers again, she woke with her body snuggled into his side, warmed by his fur.

Bleary eyed, Reanna's lids lifted to find herself looking into the forest of golden hair that covered his lion body. She could feel his massive chest expanding with each breath. There was so much warmth coming from his chest that she didn't feel cold despite the morning chill.

She pushed herself up, yawning as she reached up to push some hair from her face. Grateful that no one came into the garden anymore thanks to Aurelius himself. No one needed to see their crown princess in such an undignified position. Still wearing last night's clothing stained with mud, her hair probably looked like a bird had made a nest in it. She felt weird for having slept in her clothing.

Yawning again, she pushed herself up to her feet and stretched. Judging by the sky, it was late in the morning. She was surprised that no one had come to wake her up.

Then again, her sisters probably hadn't wanted to risk what position they might find her in after a night in the garden with Aurelius. She was both annoyed that they had so little faith in her and happy that they were so considerate. And annoyed again because they were probably right to do so. Clearly, she had no self control.

If it hadn't been for Vasili Xenos last night, would she really have made love to him right there on the forest floor?

Yes. Absolutely yes. If it hadn't been for the madman...

She needed to tell her father about him. Immediately. She needed to go change first because she couldn't very well go see her family in yesterday's clothes. They didn't know about Aurelius, but that was just a whole set of questions she couldn't answer.

So, change, find her father. Do something about the madman. He was targeting one of the princesses and it was making Reanna anxious to not know which one or why. If she even knew who it was that had ordered the attack, she could have some idea as to which princess was in danger.

Andromeda? Who would want to hurt her though? She didn't involve herself in politics. She had the sweetest disposition of all the princesses. If someone was hurt or in pain, there was no one more likely to give empathy or assistance.

Larissa? That was possible. It could be another person made jealous by her beauty. Though it had definitely been a male voice. Why would a male want her dead? Or maybe he didn't. Maybe he wanted her captured. But then why pay a murderer to come all the way up north just to kidnap her? That didn't make sense at all.

Or Nat? Nat didn't shy away from involving herself in running the kingdom. She didn't attend council meetings, but that was because they bored her. She preferred to deal with people directly. Though who would want to have the forgotten princess killed? Nat wasn't close to inheriting. She had no enemies that Reanna knew about.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

Reanna jumped at the sound of Aurelius's voice. She turned and sighed. "Vasili Xenos."

Aurelius, in the middle of a wide mouthed yawn himself, was cut off at the reminder. He closed his large jaw as his golden eyes sparkled with malice.

"I'd like to see him try to get close."

"I'm just so mad we didn't hear which princess," she growled, crossing her arms. "Or maybe it was multiple princesses. I just can't imagine anyone hurting Andy. So, I think it must be Rissa or Nat. Though even Nat..."

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