Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Aurelius wasn't just furious. He was positively livid.

"Auri, come on," Reanna cajoled sweetly as she walked behind him.

He growled. Literally growled. He was in in full lion form right now. Tail twitching in sharp, erratic movements. Claws gouging out long marks in the earth as he walked. No, not walked. Stalked. Like he was on the hunt.

"I found her," she tried, pointed backwards. "Isn't that great?"

"You broke your promise!"

"I didn't get hurt."

"You lied to me!" He turned with a snap of his jaws.

Reanna gave him the biggest, brightest, most innocent smile she could. His eyes narrowed on her before he turned and began stalking again. Reanna stayed just behind him.

"I didn't have a choice! She would have gotten away."

He growled, his tail whacking at the air.

"We might not have ever found her again. I had to act."

He continued stalking forward, body tight and angry.

"I didn't want to lose the chance to have you back to normal!"

He stopped. She stopped behind him. He sat down on his haunches but his tail was still slapping against the dirt. Reanna stepped just a bit closer. She put her hand on his shoulder and she felt the muscles jump in reaction.

"Oh, Auri. Won't you even look at me?"

"No," he snapped, turning his head so she couldn't step into his line of sight.

"I've already apologized," she scratched in his mane, just behind his ear. "And I got her to promise my safety until I completed her task."

"Yet you won't tell me what task that is."

"Er..." She hedged, frowning. She shook her head. "Will you just trust me?"

"How can I? You've already lied to me."

"At least look at me!"

"I will not."

She growled, putting her hands to her hips. "And why not?"

Because if he saw her pretty face begging him for forgiveness, he would be helpless but to give it.

"You could have gotten hurt," he said instead. "What would I have done if she had decided to eat you right there instead? If she finds out you're a princess-"

"I already have her word she won't hurt me," Reanna interrupted quickly, smiling. "At least not until we've completed our agreement. And the next time I go there, I plan on having you with me."

He snapped his head around. "You're damn right I'm going to be with you! I'm not letting you out of my sight again!"

Reanna took advantage of him finally turning towards her by throwing her arms around his head and neck. She began kissing along his face, snuggling against the soft fur. She heard him grumbling low in his throat but he didn't try to pull away.

"Thank you for worrying about me," she said sweetly.

"I am so mad at you right now."

"Mad enough that you'll make me walk back?" She pouted, looking into his bright gold eye.

He sighed. "Of course not. Get on. And stop trying to make me forgive you."

Too late. He had looked into her pretty face. He was lost. He could already feel himself calming down as he felt her climb back onto his back.

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