Chapter 30

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(TyShawn Is Jayla's Older Brother, Who She Named Her Baby After 🌚 He's In the Mm )

Excuse Errors


Mateo POV

Me, Ayo, Alonzo And Josiah Were Sitting Outside Of My House waiting For Jayla's Older Brother TyShawn to show up, But He's Late.

"Man, My Girl Kidnapped bruh", I said Getting up.

Just As They were about to stand, A Black Van Pulled Up Into the Driveway.

"'Bout Time.", Ayo Muttered as I rolled my eyes.

He Got out and shut the door, then walked over to where we were, smiling.

"Wazzam Y'all, How Y'all Doing ?", He Smirked.

"Really?", I Stalefaced Him," My Girlfriend- yo SISTER, Just Got Kidnapped By Her Ex, So What You Think ?"

"Well Then..." , He Ruffled up his Hair," Leggo Save My Sister Then", He Said, Chucking Ayo his Keys.


Lucas POV

"Smile for the Camera."

I chuckled, Sending The Picture to Her Little Boyfriend.

-Ain't She Pretty ? 12:56

I Looked Up from my Phone At Her, Seeing That She Was Glaring At Me.

I leaned down, and kissed the ducktape on her lips.


I hissed, holding my jaw. I Felt my Phone Vibrate, Seeing that The boy Had Replied to me.

-Dont touch her, I swear to god 12:59

I Replied "Too Late" Just to mess with His Mind.

"Don't Worry Jay", I cooed in her ear, putting the cuffs on her. "I won't let them get you."

"UGH, Bro why you still messing with that girl.", Tasia Hollered from the next room.

"Stay out my business man!"

"Yea, Whatever, Mama Said Stop Making All that Noise.", she replied walking in the room.

"Don't Play With Me, Knowing very well this my House.", I scowled.

"Mhm, Come here, I gotta show you sum", She Said, Going Upstairs.

"Ite", I looked at Jayla One more time, who didn't look surprised, before following my sister.

She patted on a seat by hers in the living room to show me a picture on her phone.

"Wassup?", I sat down , waiting for her to show me whatever.

"You Know Zavi got arrested?", She Snickered.

"Forreal?", I Smirked.

"Mhm, It's on His Fan page."

"Broo." I looked away. "Dumbest Cousin Ever."


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